Invited talks/seminars
November 2024: Invited session on writing a TFG in English at UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: Writing a TFG in English: Challenges and Opportunities.
January 2024: Invited talk, Research Seminar Input and Interaction in Different Modalities, Universitat de Barcelona: The effect of task-supported peer interaction on young EFL learners’ use of interactional strategies.
November 2023: Guest Lecture, Barcelona Research Symposium, Multilingual Learning Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, American School of Barcelona: Pair dynamics and language-related episodes in child EFL task-based peer interaction.
November 2023: Invited session on writing a TFG in English at UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: Writing a TFG in English: Challenges and Opportunities.
May 2023: Plenary at the II Jornada d’Educació Infantil. L’aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa en els sis primers anys de vida. UDivulga. Ciència i Societat. Universitat de Vic-UCC.
March 2023: Guest Lecture, Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London, UK: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): creating opportunities for foreign language learning in a content class.
March 2023: Invited Research Seminar, Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London, UK: Task-based peer-interaction in primary school English as a Foreign Language programmes: linguistic and interactional development.
November 2022: Invited session on writing a TFG in English at UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: Writing a TFG in English: Challenges and Opportunities.
November 2021: Invited session on writing a TFG in English at UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: Writing a TFG in English: Challenges and Opportunities.
October 2021: Invited session at English Research Week 2020, UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: CLIL in low proficiency primary school settings: can content and language be integrated?
May 2021: Invited Roundtable (streaming session), Amics UAB Channel sessions: “S’ensenyen adequadament les llengües a Espanya?”.
November 2020: Invited session on writing a TFG in English at UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: Writing a TFG in English: Challenges and Opportunities.
October 2020: Invited session at English Research Week 2020, UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: CLIL in low proficiency primary school settings: can content and language be integrated?
November 2019: Invited session on writing a TFG in English at UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: Writing a TFG in English: Challenges and Opportunities.
October 2019: Invited session at English Research Week 2019, UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: CLIL in low proficiency primary school settings: can content and language be integrated?
May 2019: Plenary speaker, Fifth Annual Spring Research Seminar, Institute for Multilingualism MULTIMAT Research Group, UIC Barcelona, A form-focused approach to CLIL and its effects on young learners’ EFL oral production.
May 2019: Invited 2-hour session, MA Applied Linguistics and Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts, Universitat de Barcelona, CLIL in low proficiency primary school Settings: Can content and language be integrated?
April 2019: Invited 3-hour seminar on CLIL for primary school teachers. Màster en Formació Avançada del Professorat d’Educació Infantil i Primària. Especialitat CLIL: Bridging the gap between knowing CLIL and doing CLIL
December 2018: Invited session on writing a TFG in English at UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: Writing a TFG in English: Challenges and Opportunities.
October 2018: Invited session at English Research Week 2018, UIC Barcelona, Faculty of Education: CLIL in low proficiency primary school settings: can content and language be integrated?
February 2018: Invited 3-hour seminar on CLIL for primary school teachers. Màster en Formació Avançada del Professorat d’Educació Infantil i Primària. Especialitat CLIL: Bridging the gap between knowing CLIL and doing CLIL.
January 2018: Invited plenary session and round table participation in II Trobada d’actualització de didàctica de llengües estrangeres. Processos d’adquisició: Com se n’adquireix la competència comunicativa. ICE (Institut de Ciències de l’Educació), UAB: Foreign Language Acquisition in low exposure contexts.
January 2018: Invited session on writing a TFG in English at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Departament d’Educació: Writing a TFG in English: Challenges and Opportunities.
November 2017: Invited keynote lecture at the 2017 Conference of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for Primary Education, co-organized by the National Cheng-Kung University and Tainan City Government, Tainan, Taiwan: CLIL in Low Proficiency Primary School Settings: The Role of L1 Use and Focus on Form.
June 2017: Invited plenary at the summer course CLIL in multilingual education: from practice to reflection. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain: How to effectively integrate content and language in CLIL.
April 2017: Invited participation in an online round table on CLIL in primary, secondary and tertiary education. MA in Applied Languages, Curriculum design, Planning and elaboration of materials. Universitat de Lleida, Spain.
January 2017: Invited talk at CLIL-INDIA training programme. Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain: Towards Plurilingualism in CLIL programmes in Catalonia
July 2016: Seminars at CLLEAR (Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research, Department of Modern Languages, University of Southampton, UK: L1 Use and Focus on Forms in a co-taught CLIL programme and Developmental asynchrony in the acquisition of subject properties in child L2 English and Spanish.
July 2016: Seminar at Lab Meetings of CeLM (Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism) in the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading, UK: Developmental asynchrony in the acquisition of subject properties in child L2 English and Spanish.
April 2016: Invited MA course in the MA IN LANGUAGE ACQUISITION IN MULTILINGUAL SETTINGS a la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). Individual differences and contextual factors in English as a Foreign Language Learning.
May 2015 Innovate ELT Conference, Oxford TEFL – Teacher training (Barcelona): “How CLIL and ELT can (happily) coexist and benefit from each other”.
April 2013: “Avaluació del TFG a Estudis Anglesos”. Jornada: Adaptacions del Treball de Final de Grau a la UAB.
June 2004: (with Dr Melissa Moyer, UAB) CHILDES/CLAN course, Departament de Filologia Anglesa, Universitat d’Alacant.
November 2006: “Child Language”, Adquisició de l’anglès com a segona llengua, Filologia Anglesa, Universitat de Barcelona (UB).
Conference presentations
October 2024 (with Montse Capdevila and Eloi Puig-Mayenco), 21st LASLAB International Conference on additional Language learners by young learners, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), Vitoria: Young learners’ metalinguistic awareness in a task-supported EFL teaching intervention.
April 2024, 1st International ELLRA Conference (Early Language Learning Research Association), University of the National Education Commission (UKEN), Krakow: The effect of explicit instruction of interactional strategies on young EFL learners’ attitudes towards task-based peer interaction.
April 2024 (with Laura Styles), 41 AESLA International Conference, Universitat Politècnica de València: The effect of mode of implicit instruction on the development of explicit knowledge of clefting and negative inversion.
April 2024 (with Jennifer Ament), 41 AESLA International Conference, Universitat Politècnica de València: Implementing academic reading circles in Higher Education: exploring perceptions, engagement and outcomes.
August 2023 (with Alexandra Vraciu), EuroSLA 32, University of Birmingham: Fluency in task-based peer interaction: Exploring the effects of interactional instruction on primary school EFL learners (paper).
May 2023 (with Eloi Puig-Mayenco), 18th LASLAB International Conference 2023, Universidad del País Vasco: Interaction and L2 grammar learning by children in foreign language contexts: Form-focused instruction and individual differences: The effect of focused task-based peer interaction on young EFL learners’ knowledge and production of present continuous: An intervention study (paper).
April 2023 (with Alexandra Vraciu), 40 AESLA International Conference, Universidad de Extremadura: Young EFL learners’ use of interactional strategies in task-based peer interaction: Does explicit instruction make a difference? (paper).
April 2023 (with Laura Styles), 40 AESLA International Conference, Universidad de Extremadura: The effect of mode of instruction on the development of implicit knowledge of clefting and partial inversión (paper).
April 2023 (with Shoghig Kaloustian), 1st International Conference on Written Corrective Feedback in L1 and L2 (WCF23), UVic-UCC: Young EFL learners’ attitudes and perceptions on written corrective feedback (paper).
October 2022 (with Maria Vrban and Dr Carmen Pérez-Vidal), L3 Workshop 2022: Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use: Task Complexity and modeling as catalysts of multilingual EFL adolescents’ gains in written production and vocabulary acquisition: an exploratory study (poster).
August 2022 (with Alexandra Vraciu), 9th International Conference on TBLT, University of Innsbruck and University of Graz: Training for task-based peer interaction: the impact of interactional instruction on primary school learners’ attitudes and use of interactional strategies (paper).
August 2022 (with Alexandra Vraciu), EuroSLA 31, Université de Fribourg: Primary school children’s use of interactional strategies in task-based peer interaction (paper).
August 2022 (with Eloi Puig-Mayenco), EuroSLA 31, Université de Fribourg: The effect of task-based peer interaction on young EFL learners’ explicit and implicit knowledge of past tense: an intervention study (paper).
April 2022 (with Maria Vrban and Carmen Pérez-Vidal), 39 AESLA International Conference, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Task Complexity and noticing as catalysts of multilingual EFL adolescents” gains in written production skills: an exploratory study (paper).
April 2022 (with Alexandra Vraciu), 39 AESLA International Conference, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria: The effect of explicit instruction of interactional strategies on EFL young learners’ attitudes towards task-based peer interaction (paper).
April 2022 (with Maria Vrban and Carmen Pérez-Vidal), 7th Annual Spring Research Seminar, Universtat Internacional de Catalunya: Task complexity and noticing as catalysts of multilingual EFL adolescents’ gains in written production skills: an exploratory study (paper).
November 2021 (with Alexandra Vraciu), 44 AEDEAN Conference, Universidad de Cantabria: 2 Learning Outcomes in Pre-school EFL: Exploring the Relation between the Acquisition of Productive and Receptive Vocabulary and Classroom Input Quality (paper).
April 2021, 38 AESLA International Conference, Universidad de La Coruña: Pair dynamics and language-related episodes in child EFL peer interaction (paper).
April 2021 (with Mengjia Zhang), 38 AESLA International Conference, Universidad de La Coruña: Assessing students’ content-specific language learning outcomes in two EMI programs in mainland China (paper)
March 2021 (with Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm), AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics): The Intersection of ISLA & GenSLA: Accelerating Feature Acquisition & (Re)Assembly in the L2 Classroom.
November 2020 (with Alexandra Vraciu), TEdELL 2020 (Teachers and Teacher Educators: Educational and professional development for early language learning): Language learning opportunities in the pre-school EFL class: The role of the teacher’s input.
November 2019 (with Alexandra Vraciu), 43 AEDEAN Conference, Universidad de Alicante: EFL child peer interaction: Measuring the effect of time, task-type and proficiency pairing (paper)
August 2019 (with Alexandra Vraciu) EuroSLA 29, University of Lund, Sweden: A longitudinal study of peer interaction in primary school EFL: how do patterns of L1 use interact with task type and proficiency?(paper)
March 2019 (with Alexandra Vraciu) 37 AESLA International Conference, Universidad de Valladolid: L1 use in peer interaction: Exploring time, task and proficiency effects in primary school EFL (paper)
September 2017 EuroSLA 27, University of Reading, UK: Trying out language in EFL task-based interaction (paper).
September 2017 (with Eloi Puig) EuroSLA 27, University of Reading, UK: Asymmetries in child foreign language acquisition: production, interpretation and judgements of null subjects (paper).
June 2017 (with Alexandra Vraciu) Languages in the Primary Classroom Workshop. Centre for Research in Language Development throughout the Lifespan (LaDeLi) University of Essex, UK: The effect of task-type and proficiency pairing on child peer interaction: evidence from EFL in primary school Settings.
April 2017 (with Alexandra Vraciu). The Seventh International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching 2017, Barcelona (University of Barcelona), Spain: Task-based peer interaction in a low proficiency EFL primary-school context: does L1 use scaffold or stifle it?
April 2017 (with Eloi Puig, Susagna Tubau and Montserrat Capdevila) GASLA 14, University of Southampton, UK: Instances of acquisition where only learning is fostered: the case of null subjects in young learners of English.
November 2016 (with Montserrat Capdevila) XL Congreso AEDEAN, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain: Trying out language: language-related episodes in early adolescents’ EFL task-based interaction.
April 2016 XXXIV Congreso Internacional AESLA, Universitat d’Alacant: “L1 Use and Focus on Form in a co-taught CLIL programme” (paper).
May 2015 Innovate ELT Conference, Oxford TEFL – Teacher training (Barcelona): “How CLIL and ELT can (happily) coexist and benefit from each other” (invited talk).
April 2015 XXXIII Congreso Internacional AESLA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: “A longitudinal analysis of primary school students’ Foreign Language motivation in CLIL and non-CLIL settings” (paper).
April 2015 (with Alexandra Vraciu) XXXIII Congreso Internacional AESLA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: “Scaffolding Early EFL -L1 Use in Oral Narratives by CLIL and non-CLIL Young Learners” (paper).
November 2014 Workshop Learning English as a Foreign Language in Primary and Secondary School Contexts, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: “Young Learners’ Motivation in CLIL and non-CLIL settings” (paper).
October 2014 (Pladevall, E. and Vraciu, A.) International Conference on Child Foreign Language Acquisition (ICLWorkshop14). Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU): “The boy and the girl fiquen the sandwich on the… com es deia cistell?”- Patterns of Catalan L1 Use in Young Learners’ L2 English Oral Narratives. (paper)
September 2014 EUROSLA 24. 24th Annual conference of the European Second Language Association. University of York, UK: “Introducing CLIL alongside EFL in minimal input contexts: development of receptive skills in early L2 learning” (paper).
August 2014 Think CLIL 2014. 9th International CLIL Conference. Università Ca Foscari Venezia, Venice: “CLIL in minimal input contexts: development of receptive skills in early L2 learning” (paper)
April 2014 XXXII Congreso Internacional AESLA. Lingüística Aplicada. Industrias de la lengua y cambio social. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla: “The effects of CLIL subject selection on young learners’ learning outcomes” (paper)
June 2013 Applied Linguistic Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning (ALP-CLIL), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: “Does limited exposure to CLIL make a difference in primary school?” (paper)
April 2013 (Walsh, M.L. and Pladevall, E.) Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) 2013, Maastricht University Language Centre; “CLIL and non-CLIL teaching methods in Higher Education: A comparative Study” (poster).
September 2012 I Congreso Internacional Nebrija en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas: En Camino hacia el Plurilinguismo, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija: “The implementation of CLIL in primary school: a study of students’, teachers’, head teachers’ and parents’ perceptions” (paper).
May 2012 (assistència) a Congrés Internacional TRICLIL. VI Trobada de semiimmersió de Catalunya, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
November 2011 (Pladevall Ballester, E., Vallbona, A., Bret, A., Miret, M. i Navés, T.) 35th AEDEAN (Asociación Española de estudios ingleses y norteamericanos) Conference, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: “Does CLIL make a difference?” (round table).
September 2010 (Llinàs-Grau, M., Pladevall Ballester, E. and Capdevila, M.), VI International Conference on Language Acquisition (CIAL) 2010, Universitat de Barcelona – Universitat Pompeu Fabra: “That-deletion in the written production of L2 learners of English” (paper).
June 2010 (Curell Gotor, H., Capdevila, M., Cebrian Puyuelo, J., Gimeno Pahissa, L., Hand Cranham, F., Martín Alegre, S., Owen, D., Pladevall-Ballester, E. and Vraciu, A.) 6è Congrés Internacional de Docència universitària i Innovació (CIDUI) 2010, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya: “L’adaptació al nou Espai Europeu d’Ensenyament Superior: Estudis Anglesos a la UAB” (paper).
September 2009 (Gutiérrez-Colón, M. and Pladevall, E.) EUROCALL 2009, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: “Methodology in CALL: students’ survey” (paper).
July 2009: 7th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB7), The Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (UiL OTS) of Utrecht University: “The effects of explicit teaching on the L2 English writing of Spanish-speaking primary school children”(paper).
August 2008: (Gutiérrez-Colón, M. and Pladevall, E.), WorldCALL 2008, Japanese Association for Language Education and Technology (LET), Fukuoka, Japan: “Not only technology but also methodology in CALL”, (poster)
July 2007: CLS 2007 (Child Language Seminar), University of Reading, UK: “Non-native child acquisition of Spanish subject stylistic properties” (paper).
May 2007: 6th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB6), University of Hamburg (Alemanya): “Child and Adult L2A: Same source, different paths of development” (paper).
March-April 2006: XXIV Congreso Internacional AESLA (Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada), Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (Madrid): “On the L2 Spanish Subject Development of British Children” (paper)
December 2005: Going Romance 2005, Universiteit Utrecht: “L1-English children’s development of L2 Spanish Subjects” (poster)
March 2005: (Llinàs i Grau, M. and Pladevall, E.) 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB5), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: “Bilingualism at word level?”. (paper)
March 2005: 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB5), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: “An Experiment on the L2 English of Spanish-speaking children: the null subject parameter revisited”. (paper)
December 2004: XXVIII AEDEAN Conference, Universitat de València: “Morphological Variability and Syntactic Phrase Structure in the L2 Acquisition of English” (paper).
September 2004: Jornades FIAC 2004 (Fundació FIAC – Terrassa): “An experiment on the L2 English of a Group of Spanish 5 year-old Children”.
September 2004: 2nd Workshop in Syntax and Semantics, Universitat de Barcelona: “The Syntactic Development of L2 English in Spanish Children” (paper).
September 2004: LAGB (Linguistics Association of Great Britain) Annual Meeting, Roehampton University , London: “On the Relationship between Null Subjects and Verbal Inflection in Child Catalan and English” (paper).
July 2004: CLS 2004 (Child Language Seminar) University of West England, Bristol: “On Main Declarative Non-Finite Verbal Forms in Early Child English” (paper).
April 2004: Grup de Gramàtica Teòrica de la UAB: “Non-Finite Verbal Forms in Early English”, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
March 2004: XIX Encuentro de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas, Universitat de València: “Matrix Non-Finite Verbal Forms in Early Child English” (paper).
December 2003: XXVII AEDEAN Conference, Universidad de Salamanca: “On the Distributional Constraints of Null Subjects in Child English and Catalan” (paper).
September 2003: Jornades FIAC 2003 (Fundació FIAC-Terrassa): “‘Peeling apples, Daddy break Kimmy car, Three sheeps come’ or the chaos in early child language”.
June 2003: 1st Workshop in Syntax and Semantics, EHU (Universidad del País Vasco), Vitoria-Gasteiz: “The Acquisition of Subjects in Child Catalan” (paper).
June 2003: (Pladevall, E. and Tubau Muntañá, S.) 1st Workshop in Syntax and Semantics, EHU (Universidad del País Vasco), Vitoria-Gasteiz: “Critical Past and Promising Future for Language Acquisition” (paper).
April 2003: (Tubau Muntañá, S. and Pladevall, E.) 1st Cambridge Postgraduate Linguistics Conference a la University of Cambridge: “Critical Past and Promising Future for Language Acquisition” (paper).
April 2003: (Pladevall, E. and Tubau Muntañá, S.) 12th Manchester Postgraduate Linguistics Conference a la University of Manchester: “Critical Past and Promising Future for Language Acquisition” (paper).