Sensors for corrosion control in urban metal structures
Company: RUBATEC S.A.
Principal Investigator UAB: Ferran Martín. Co-PI: Paris Vélez
Duration: October 2022 – April 2024

Contactless Audit – Risk limitation audits of electoral results facilitated by RFID circuits printed on paper
Company: Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA
Subcontracted: CNM-CSIC and UAB-CIMITEC, through CDTI Project
Title: “Contactless Audit – Auditorías de resultados electorales de limitación de riesgo facilitadas por circuitos RFID impresos en papel” (Risk limitation audits of electoral results facilitated by RFID circuits printed on paper)
Duration: March 2016 – December 2017

Through project funded by:

Sccet – Maie’s: Control, conservation, efficiency and traceability system for high-economic impact medications
Company: Nabelia Technologies & Mhealthcare SL
Subcontracted: CNM-CSIC and UAB-CIMITEC, through Project Acción Estratégica Economía y Sociedad Digital – AEESD’15, (Ministerio de Industria Energía y Turismo, Spanish Government, within Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2013-2016,reference TSI-100700-2015-48)
Títol: “Sccet – Maie’s Sistema De Control, Conservación, Eficiencia y Trazabilidad en Medicamentos de Alto Impacto Económico” (Control, conservation, efficiency and traceability system for high-economic impact medications)
Duration: September 2015 – December 2017
Sccet – Maie’s will provide a robust solution for traceability of perishable medical drugs through the development of RF identifiers without chip using electronic printing technology. RFID chipless tags will be printed on the packaging or product label for identification and radio frequency reading of presence, medication ID and additional information of interest (e.g. expiration). The project Sccet – Maie’s will develop a RFID tags technology without an integrated circuit (chipless) using conventional printing technologies and low cost flexible substrates such as paper for packaging drugs. The solution will be used for radio frequency identification of the drugs with following goals:
• To detect the presence of drugs and identify them.
• Have relevant data such as expiry date or lot number for better traceability.
The system will consist of the following parts:
• A printed chipless RFID tag. A chipless tag will be printed on the box or label of the drugs using electronic printing technology. This tag will contain the desired information and environment sensors.
• A reading area installed inside the refrigerator for chipless tags reading and data processing. This system could be developed on a flexible base for greater adaptability in installation.

Through project funded by:

Medical Chipless Secure Paper: Development of Chipless RFID tags using electronic printing technologies for the application in secure medical prescriptions system
ubcontracted: CNM-CSIC and UAB-CIMITEC, through Project Acción Estratégica Economía y Sociedad Digital – AEESD’15, (Ministerio de Industria Energía y Turismo, Spanish Government, within Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2013-2016,reference TSI-100103-2015-30)
Títol: “Medical Chipless Secure Paper” Desarrollo de tags chipless RFID mediante tecnologías de impresión electrónica para su integración en sistemas de receta médica segura (Development of Chipless RFID tags using electronic printing technologies for the application in secure medical prescriptions system)
Duration: July 2015 – december 2017
The project involves the technological development of chipless RFID tags using low-cost conventional printing technologies. These tags are printed on paper substrates and / or cardboard for their integration and application in a medical prescription management/identification system. The main axes of the system are:
1. Optimization of materials and substrates.
2. Printing and programming of RFID tags without chip.
3. Chipless RFID reader system.
4. Integration of the new technology in medical prescriptions management/identification system.

Through project funded by:

Study of interfering resonances between planes of a designed motherboard
Estudio de resonancias interferentes entre planos de una placa base diseñada (Proyecto USM-CMF-1). (Study of interfering resonances between planes of a designed motherboard)
Duration: September 2013.

Automation of Planar Microwave Circuit Design Using Spatial Mapping Techniques
Automatización del diseño de circuitos planares de microondas mediante técnicas de mapeo espacial. (Automation of Planar Microwave Circuit Design Using Spatial Mapping Techniques)
Duration: October 2010-December 2012

Consulting / advisory action for the measurement of K-band microwave components using network analyzers in CIMITEC laboratory
Company: ISEE 2007 S.L.
Acción de consultoria/asesoramiento para la medición de components de microndas en banda K con analizadores de redes del laboratorio de CIMITEC (Consulting / advisory action for the measurement of K-band microwave components using network analyzers in CIMITEC laboratory)
Duration: July 2008-July 2011

Applications of metamaterial-based planar technologies for the design of UWB band pass filters in MCM-D technology
Applications of metamaterial-based planar technologies for the design of UWB band pass filters in MCM-D technology.
Duration: 15 months (December 2006 – February 2008).

Design optimization techniques for high efficiency power amplifiers by means of metamaterial-based planar technologies
Design optimization techniques for high efficiency power amplifiers by means of metamaterial-based planar technologies.
Duration: 15 months (December 2006 – February 2008).

Support tothe definition phase of the Eureka METATEC project
Company: AIDA CENTRE S. L.
Apoyo a la fase de definición del proyecto Eureka METATEC. (Support to the definition phase of the Eureka METATEC project)
Duration: December 2006 – February 2007.

Design and manufacture of test boards for high frequency piezoelectric resonators (FBAR)
Diseño y fabricación de placas de test para resonadores piezoeléctricos de alta frecuencia (FBAR) (Design and manufacture of test boards for high frequency piezoelectric resonators)
Duration: 2006