PID2022-139181OB-I00: High-performance microwave sensors for industrial applications, bio-sensing, and structural health monitoring (μWAVE-SENS)
Project PID2022-139181OB-I00: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022, Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia, Agencia Estatal de Investigación – Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal Investigator: Ferran Martín
Title: Sensores de microondas de altas prestaciones para aplicaciones industriales, bio-sensores y monitorización de dañado estructural (μWAVE-SENS)
Duration: 01/09/2023-31/08/2026
Funding: 243.750 Euros
The project PID2022-139181OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 nd by ERDF A way of making Europe, focuses on the design and development of high performance, low cost, and small-sized planar microwave sensors and their applications in industrial environments (e.g., motion control, cleanness/purity monitoring in industrial installations/products, quality-control in food industry, etc.), structural health monitoring (specifically, corrosion in metallic structures), biosensing
(e.g., for the determination of the concentration of certain biomarkers, such as glucose and electrolytes, among others), and smart-health (e.g., for the detection of urine leakage incontinency or enuresis through textile-based sensors). Ambitious in its applications, the fundamental project goal is to investigate novel ideas/concepts, working principles, strategies, and materials/technologies in order to achieve the required sensor performance (sensitivity, resolution, linearity, selectivity, etc.) that the different applications demand.
Project PID2022-139181OB-I00 funded by:

PDC2021-121085-I00: Validation and valorization of high capacity electromagnetic encoders and highly-sensitive low-cost microwave sensors for tech-transfer in multisector scenarios (ENSEMBLE)
Project PDC2021-121085-I00: Proyectos I+D+i «Pruebas de Concepto» 2021, Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal Investigator: Ferran Martín
Title: Validación y valorización de encoders electromagnéticos de alta capacidad y sensores de microondas de alta sensibilidad y bajo coste para transferencia en múltiples escenarios (ENSEMBLE) (Validation and valorization of high capacity electromagnetic encoders and highly-sensitive low-cost microwave sensors for tech-transfer in multisector scenarios)
Duration: 01/12/2021 – 30/11/2023
Funding: 146.050 Euros
The project PDC2021-121085-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union Next GenerationEU/ PRTR, is aimed to the development and commercial exploitation of two pre-industrial portable prototypes, a highly sensitive microwave permittivity sensor, and an electromagnetic encoder system with high data density and capacity, investigated in the framework of the project TEC2016-75650-R, entitled Synthesis and design of advanced RF/microwave components and their application to communication circuits, sensors and RFID (II). In that project, the working principles were experimentally validated at laboratory level (TRL 3). In the present project, the objective, from a technical viewpoint, is to develop proof-of-concept prototypes validated in operational environment (TRL-7), that can be used as a platform to generate synergies with developers in order to drive the research concept to the market.
Project PDC2021-121085-I00 funded by:

PROOF OF CONCEPT PROGRAMME Call 2019: High data capacity chipless-RFID system for identification, tracking and authentication
PROOF OF CONCEPT PROGRAMME Call 2019, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Title: “Sistema RFID sense xip d’alta capacitat d’informació per aplicacions d’identificació, traçabilitat i autentificació” (High data capacity chipless-RFID system for identification, tracking and authentication)
Principal Investigator: Ferran Martín
Funding: 40.000 €, funded by ERDF / OTRI Ecosistema Innovador i Emprenedor UAB.
Funded by:

PID2019-103904RB-I00: Design and synthesis of RF/microwave components based on advanced concepts and application in communications, sensors and RFID (III)
Project PID2019-103904RB-I00: Proyectos I+D+i 2019, Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal Investigators: Ferran Martín and Jordi Bonache
Title: Diseño y sintesis de componentes de RF/microondas basados en conceptos avanzados y su aplicacion a circuitos de comunicaciones, sensores y RFID (III) (Design and synthesis of RF/microwave components based on advanced concepts and application in communications, sensors and RFID)(III)
Duration: 01/06/2020-31/05/2023
Funding: 164.560 Euros
The project PID2019-103904RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033, is a continuation of the previous TEC2016-75650-R project, where new challenges and objectives are pursued. In that project, we have achieved significant progress on the application of artificial structures and other advanced microwave structures and concepts to the design of novel circuits and antennas for wireless communications, novel high-sensitive microwave sensors, and novel and high performance RFID systems (including chipless-RFID). The general objective of the proposed project is to generate new knowledge at the forefront of the considered research topics, and to launch other application-oriented projects (in collaboration with companies) and contracts, in order to transfer the generated knowhow to industry. The specific objectives are:
– Design of novel RF/microwave circuits and antennas for communications based on artificial structures and advanced concepts.
– Development of high sensitive microwave sensors by combining novel designs and technologies, and application to dielectric characterization, microfluidics, and biosensors.
– Development of beyond the state-of-the-art RFID systems with superior performance.
Project PID2019-103904RB-I00 funded by:

TEC2016-75650-R: Design and synthesis of RF/microwave components based on advanced concepts and application in communications, sensors and RFID (II)
Project TEC2016-75650-R, Retos Investigación: Proyectos I+D+i, Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal Investigators: Ferran Martín and Jordi Bonache
Title: Diseño y sintesis de componentes de RF/microondas basados en conceptos avanzados y su aplicacion a circuitos de comunicaciones, sensores y RFID (II) (Design and synthesis of RF/microwave components based on advanced concepts and application in communications, sensors and RFID) (II)
Duration: 2017-2019
Funding: 149.900 Euros
The project TEC2016-75650-R, funded byMCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe, is presented as a continuation of the project TEC2013-40600-R, focusing on new challenges and objectives. The main aim of the project is to achieve further progress concerning the development of radiofrequency and microwave components based on metamaterial concepts, on advanced technologies and on new ideas recently explored in the research Group. The ultimate objective of the present project is to generate research results and know-how representing a clear progress beyond the state-of-the- art, and useful for launching other application-oriented projects and collaborative projects with companies (technology transfer) in the field of electronics and communications. As it has been done in the previous project, we pursue to obtain research results with high socioeconomic impact, with an eye towards contributing to give solutions to the main societal challenges, mainly, although not exclusively, in the challenge “Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”. Thus, we expect to provide new applications and solutions in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), one of the key enabling technologies included in the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2013-2016, or to achieve significant progress in those applications in which the research Group has been involved so far. The fields of application include transport, logistics, health (medical diagnosis, management), ambient intelligence (access control, presence control, etc.), space, etc.
Project TEC2016-75650-R funded by:

TECNIOfy PRUAB: Large surface and low cost near-field UHF-RFID system
Funds for technology valorization, TECNIOfy, Parc de Recerca UAB
Títol: Sistema d’identificació per UHF-RFID en camp proper de gran superfície i baix cost (Large surface and low cost near-field UHF-RFID system)
Principal Investigator: Jordi Bonache
Funding: 30.000 €, funded by Parc de Recerca UAB

TECSPR15-1-0050: Microwave biosensors for low-cost blood analyzers
Project TECNIOSpring (outgoing + return), Call 2014, ACCIÓ – Generalitat de Catalunya
Title: Microwave biosensors for low-cost blood analyzers
Reference: TECSPR15-1-0050
Fellow: Paris Vélez Rasero
Outgoing host institution: LAAS-CNRS
Funded by ACCIÓ – Government of Catalonia, through Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (COFUND)
Duration: April 2016 – April 2018
The project aims to develop a prototype for low-cost multi-component blood analysis, based on microwave biosensors, implemented by means of microfludics sensing techniques and metamaterial-inspired resonators. The developed device will be able to measure several blood parameters, filling the gap between low-cost glucometer (single parameter measurement) and biochemistry analyzer (able to measure multiple blood parameters at the expense of high cost). This is a multidisciplinary and challenging project that pursues a handheld low-cost market product, involving all the steps in the research/tech-transfer chain, from fundamental research (mainly in new fields for the applicant, such as biology, medicine, microfluidics) up to development of precompetitive products, including IP issues.

2014PROD00042: UHF-RFID near-field reader based on field-confinement devices
Grant by Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) for the development of prototypes and the valuation and transfer of research results generated by research teams in Catalonia (PRODUCTE)
Title: Lector UHF-RFID de camp proper basat en dispositius de confinament de camp (UHF-RFID near-field reader based on field-confinement devices)
2014 PROD 00042
Principal Investigator: Jordi Bonache
Funding: 100.000 Euros, funded by Universities and Research of Catalonia Secretariat (Government of Catalonia), and ERDF
Funded by:

2014LLAV00046: Contactless microwave sensors for angular velocity measurement
Grant by Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) Grants for innovative projects with the potential to reach the market (LLAVOR).
Reference: 2014LLAV00046
Title: Sensors de microones sense contacte per a la mesura de velocitats angulars (Contactless microwave sensors for angular velocity measurement)
Principal Investigator: Ferran Martín
Junior Scientist: Jordi Naqui Garolera
Duration: July-December 2015
Funding: 24.000 Euros, funded by Universities and Research of Catalonia Secretariat (Government of Catalonia), and ERDF

ACCIONES DE DINAMIZACIÓN “REDES DE EXCELENCIA” 2015, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Reference: TEC2015-69195-REDC
Principal Investigator: JAVIER MARTI SENDRA
Coordinator: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Other participants: • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona- CIMITEC • Universidad de Sevilla • Universidad Pública de Navarra • Grupo de Fotónica de Plasmones Superficiales, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. • Universidad de Málaga. • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Principal Invstigator UAB: Ferran Martín
Total funding: 51.500 Euros
Duration: 2 years

TEC2013-40600-R: Design and synthesis of RF/microwave components based on advanced concepts and application in communications, sensors ans RFID
Project TEC2013-40600-R de la DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA Y TÉCNICA, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2013-2016)
Principal Investigator: Ferran Martín
Title: Diseño y sintesis de componentes de RF/microondas basados en conceptos avanzados y su aplicacion a circuitos de comunicaciones, sensores y RFID (Design and synthesis of RF/microwave components based on advanced concepts and application in communications, sensors ans RFID)
Funding: 180.500 Euros

Reference: TEC2013-49221-EXP
Principal Investigator: Ferran Martín
Funding: 41.000 Euros

TEC2010-17512: New strategies for design and synthesis of microwave components based on METAmaterials concepts oriented to technology TRANSFER (METATRANSFER)
Project TEC2010-17512 de la Dirección General de Investigación y Gestión del Plan Nacional I+D+I, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2010-2013)
Principal Investigator UAB: Ferran Martín
Títol: Nuevas estrategias de diseño y síntesis de componentes de microondas basados en conceptos de METAmateriales con orientación a la TRANSFERencia tecnológica (METATRANSFER) (New strategies for design and synthesis of microwave components based on METAmaterials concepts oriented to technology TRANSFER)
Funding: 179.900 Euros

Design and Implementation of a Novel Wireless Receiver Chain Using Metamaterial Quad Band Devices
Title: Design and Implementation of a Novel Wireless Receiver Chain Using Metamaterial Quad Band Devices
Principal Investigator UAB: Ferran Martín
Funding UAB: 12.000 Euros
TEC2011-13615-E: New sensors and detectors based on the symmetry properties of split-ring resonators
Project EXPLORA, Acciones complementarias, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y GESTIÓN DEL PLAN NACIONAL DE I+D+i, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIIN)
Title: NUEVOS SENSORES Y DETECTORES BASADOS EN LAS PROPIEDADES DE SIMETRIA DE RESONADORES DE ANILLOS ABIERTOS (New sensors and detectors based on the symmetry properties of split-ring resonators).
Principal Investigator: Ferran Martín
Duration: October 2011- September 2013
Funding: 30.000 Euros

TEC2011-13893-E: Chipless RadioFrequency IDentification based on MagnetoInductive Waves (MIW)
Project EXPLORA, Acciones complementarias, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y GESTIÓN DEL PLAN NACIONAL DE I+D+i, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIIN)
Title: Identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID) sin chip basada en ondas magnetoinductivas (MIW) (Chipless RadioFrequency IDentification based on MagnetoInductive Waves)
Principal Investigator: Jordi Bonache
Duration: January 2012 – December 2013
Funding: 27.000 Euros

CSD2008-00066: Ingeniería de Metamateriales (EMET)
Project CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación)
Title: Ingeniería de Metamateriales (EMET)
Code: CSD2008-00066
Coordinator: Javier Martí Sendra (NTC-UPV)
Participants: • NTC-UPV: Instituto Universitario de Investigación Centro de Tecnología Nanofotónica (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia). Leader: Prof. Javier Martí • GEMMA-CIMITEC-UAB: Grupo de Ingeniería de Microondas y Milimétricas (GEMMA) y Centro de Investigación en Metamateriales para la Innovación en Tecnologías Electrónica y de Comunicaciones (CIMITEC) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Leader: Prof. Ferran Martín • GM-US: Grupo de Microondas (Universidad de Sevilla). Leader: Prof. Ricardo Marqués • GMA-UPNA: Grupo de Milimétricas y Antenas (Universidad Pública de Navarra). Leader: Prof. Mario Sorolla. • GFPS-IEM-CSIC: Grupo de Fotónica de Plasmones Superficiales, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). Leader: Prof. J.A. Sánchez Gil • GIC-UMA: Grupo de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones (Universidad de Málaga). Leader: Prof. Carlos Camacho • GFO-UPV: Grupo de Fenómenos Ondulatorios (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia). Leader: Prof. José Sánchez-Dehesa • GIO-UPM: Grupo de Ingeniería Óptica (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Leader: Prof. Juan C. Miñano.
Duration: October 2008 – October 2013.
Total funding: 3.5MEuros.

XCEU10-1-0010: FOLAEP Workgroup
Project Xarxa Connect-EU (ACC1Ó – Generalitat de Catalunya)
Title: FOLAEP Workgroup
Coordinator: Fundació privada CETEMMSA
Total funding: 99.970 Euros
Principal Investigator UAB-CIMITEC: Ferran Martín
Funding CIMITEC-UAB: 3.540 Euros
Duration: September 2010- December 2012

TEC2004-04249-C02-01: Diseño, caracterización y aplicación de estructuras basadas en metamateriales al desarrollo de subsistemas de microondas y milimétricas (METASYSTEMS)
Project TEC2004-04249-C02-01 METASYSTEMS de la Dirección General de Investigación (2004-07).
Title: Diseño, caracterización y aplicación de estructuras basadas en metamateriales al desarrollo de subsistemas de microondas y milimétricas.
Project in collaboration between Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universidad de Sevilla.
Coordinator: Ferran Martín
Principal Investigator UAB: Ferran Martín

NoE 500252-2: Metamaterials organized for radio, millimeter wave and photonic superlattice engineering (METAMORPHOSE)
Network of Excellence of European Union NoE 500252-2 METAMORPHOSE (VI Framework Programme) (2004-2008)
Title: Metamaterials organized for radio, millimeter wave and photonic superlattice engineering
Coordinator: Prof. Sergei Tretyakov (Helsinki University of Technology- HUT).
Principal Investigator UAB: Ferran Martín.

VALTEC08-1-0009: Nous components de comunicacions multibanda basats en metamaterials electromagnètics (COMPATIBLE)
Project of Programme of Incentives for Projects and Activities for Technology valorization. CIDEM, Generalitat de Catalunya.
Title: Nous components de comunicacions multibanda basats en metamaterials electromagnètics (COMPATIBLE)
Reference: VALTEC08-1-0009
Principal Investigator: Ferran Martín
Funding: 70.000 Euros
Duration: 2009-2010.

TEC2007-68013-C02-02: Tecnologías basadas en metamateriales y su aplicación a la innovación en componentes y subsistemas de RF microondas y milimétricas: circuitos de radiocomunicación (METAINNOVA)
Project TEC2007-68013-C02-02 METAINNOVA de la Dirección General de Investigación (2007-2010).
Title: Tecnologías basadas en metamateriales y su aplicación a la innovación en componentes y subsistemas de RF microondas y milimétricas: circuitos de radiocomunicación.
Project in collaboration between Universidad de Sevilla and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Coordinator: Ricardo Marqués Sillero (Universidad de Sevilla)
Principal Investigator UAB: Ferran Martín
Total funding: 285.000 Euros (171.000 Euros UAB).