The members of the research group teach anthropology at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels, together with the other members of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Most of this teaching takes place in the four educational programs of the Department:

In these programs, the members of the research group teach courses that are related to the research areas of GRAFO (as well as other couses).

In the area of relatedness:

In the area of transnationalism:

In the area of livelihood strategies:

The group also teaches the foundations of anthropological research and of social intervention. With regard to methods and techniques of anthropological research, they teach courses such as:

With regard to intervention:

Also, several members have taught courses in other MA and postgraduate programs abroad and in Catalonia.

With regard to the doctoral program, the members currently (co-)direct the theses of 25 PhD students in the Doctoral Program in Social and Cultural Anthropology, various with doctoral grants (FPI, La Caixa, CAPES, CONACYT and SENESCYT grants) as well as 4 in other programs (geography, sociology, education, translation and interpretation).
