G T S | Presentation

The Centre Grup de Tècniques de Separació en Química, GTS, is a Consolidated Quality Research Group since 1993. The GTS Centre has been active for the last 30 years in basic and applied aspects of separation science and technology.
The GTS Center’s research focuses on the design and development of new separation techniques as well as the improvement of existing ones, applying them to a wide variety of situations including: environmental research, biomedical and agri-food applications and analytical processes.
The activity of GTS includes the development of projects, consultancy, advice and customer service in specific topics. The economic support for the development of these activities is provided by national and European research programs as well as agreements with public and private organizations and companies. To emphasize the international collaboration of the GTS Center with research groups from Europe, USA and China for specific R&D&I and academic purposes.
The GTS Center follows the guidelines of the International Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015.
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Centre GTS collaborating with ALBA CELLS

The GTS Center is a regular collaborator of the ALBA Synchrotron.
The ALBA Synchrotron is a third generation scientific infrastructure located in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) and is the most important in the Mediterranean area.
It is a complex of electron accelerators to produce synchrotron light, which allows to visualize the atomic and molecular structure of materials and to study their properties.