The management of the Centre Grup de Tècniques de Separació en Química, Centre GTS has defined the following Quality policy, in order to document the positioning of its Quality System, following the philosophy of the ISO9001:2015 and considering the Context Analysis and Risks & Opportunities.
General Considerations
Promote internal communication channels to facilitate carrying out the planning necessary to obtain the objectives that the Centre GTS intends.
Motivate all Centre GTS staff (permanent staff, employees and trainees) in achieving the goals set for continuous improvement.
Provide the necessary resources to achieve continuous improvement of the efficiency of processes and services that integrate our system of quality management.
Research Considerations
Research considerations:
- Encourage research and technological innovation that includes all actions and all the tools to increase the group’s competitiveness by encouraging innovation in all processes. Promote the collaboration with other research groups and institutions.
- To promote training activities for keeping staff skills through continuous training.
Services considerations
- Understand the needs and expectations of our clients and establish the means to satisfy them in all stages of the relationship, from the first contact until commercial billing.
- Stimulate sales and marketing activities, including promoting the group via the web as an essential tool for increased efficiency, increased competitiveness and customer loyalty.
We want to become a reference center for basic and applied research related to biomedicine regeneration associated with dental and urological stone disease prediction, in the field of the environment associated with the separation and / or speciation of potential contaminants, in the field of biomaterials and materials related to the development of new materials, biomaterials such as nanomaterials, generally applied as supports in separation processes, and in the field of analytical instrumentation associated with the development of new instrumental hybridizations.
The Center GTS evolves into a new concept of research in the fields of biomedicine, the environment, materials science and analytical instrumentation, based on mutual learning between the company and the provision of advice on R & D, management and financing of projects (often turnkey), by referring people in the industry, providing competitive advantages at all times to our customers and reducing their investment risk in innovation.
Research policy and services carried out by the center over the years has provided specialized staff with excellent technical knowledge of R & D in the field of biomedicine, environment, materials and scientific instrumentation field analytical chemistry, gaining international prestige by the number of existing patents and publications. The specialized equipment that has joined the flexibility to carry out the orders made to characterize this facility and guaranteeing personal attention and quality service and added value.