Who we are

G T S | Presentation The Research Group of Separation Techniques in Chemistry, GTS, has developed its activity during the last years in both basic and applied aspects of separation science and technology. The GTS Center research is currently addressed to different separation techniques applied to environmental research, biomedical and agrofood applications and analytical processes. Our activity includes, beside the development of specific projects, consultancy, assessment and services to customers. Financial support to this activity is given by National and European Research Programs as well as public and private organisms and companies. GTS collaborates actively with research groups from Europe, Asia and America, with both academic and industrial specific R&D and educational purposes.

The GTS Group follows the International Quality Norm ISO 9001.


Contact & Location | G T S

Executive Direction

Manuel Valiente – +34 93 581 2903

Technical Direction

Montserrat López Mesas – +34 93 581 1011

Cristina Palet – +34 93 581 3475

María Jesús Sánchez – +34 93 581 1700

Roberto Boada – +34 93 581 4638

Project Manager

Gustavo Pérez González – +34 93 581 4938

Phone assistance: 9.00-18.00 h

Direction Secretary: +34 93 581 1985
E-mail: gts@uab.es


Address: Facultat de Ciències. Departament de Química. Unitat de Química Analítica. Campus de Bellaterra, Edifici CN. UAB. 08193. Bellaterra. Barcelona.

Service hours: from 9 to 18h Monday to Friday.