The current globalization is characterized by the speeding up and intensification of the flow of exchanges between different areas of the world.
East Asia’s presence is increasingly closer and evident in the global context. However, far from deepening mutual understanding, the dominant imaginary still emphasizes distance and remoteness.
The processes and dynamics of exchange that developed from the encounter between people and social groups with their own cultural peculiarities need to be recognized in order to overcome the barriers and hierarchies that separate us.
The aim of this website is to bring to light the cultural diversity present in East Asia, as well as the bidirectional cultural transfers between East Asia and the rest of the world.

InterAsia Research Group Seminars 2024
Book Presentation: Hagakure, Hidden under the Leaves (Vol. 1)
Conversation with the Translator
Gustavo Pita Céspedes, Professor of East Asian Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
December 10, 2024, 11:15-13:00
Room L/036. Library of Humanities building

InterAsia Research Group Seminars 2024 (online):
China, Taiwan, and the United States under the new Trump administration
- Xulio Ríos, Honorary Advisor at the Observatory of Chinese Politics
- Seán Golden, Senior Associate Researcher at CIDOB and contributor to Reset DOC
- Ferrán Pérez Mena, Professor at Durham University, United Kingdom. Member of InterAsia
- Andrés Herrera-Feligreras, PhD in History and Managing Partner at HerreraZhang. Member of InterAsia
Moderator: Joaquín Beltrán Antolín, Co-I.P. of InterAsia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
November 28, 2024

Conference “Invoking the Silent Majorities”
The Aula Magna of the Faculty of Geography will host on May 10th the Conference “Invoking the Silent Majorities” organized by the professor of the Department of Art History, Dr. Laia Manonelles, with the support of the Confucius Institute of Barcelona and the INTER ASIA Research Group.

3rd International Workshop on Chinese Migration in Spain
Since the last edition of this international workshop in 2017, research on Chinese migration in Spain has increased significantly. New phenomena of great impact such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the increase in international tension with broad repercussions on China and its position in the world have had consequences affecting globalization and the established imaginary about China. Chinese international migration and its presence in Spain has not been oblivious to these new circumstances that signal a change in its development and in the transnational links between both countries.
This workshop aims to examine continuities and transformations of Chinese migration in Spain in the background of the emerging realties mentioned above. Hence, the workshop seeks to gather together current research on Chinese migration in Spain in order to identify new investigation needs, and put together suggestions and guidelines for public policies.