Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology (MUPGS, UAB)
“The relationship between temperamental traits, prosocial traits and emotional regulation with internet addiction in children”
Supervision:  L. Ezpeleta, N. de la Osa, E. Penelo


Master’s Degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health
“The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure in justice-involved youth: content coverage of different psychopathy measures and predictive validity with respect to institutional behavior and recidivism”
Supervision: A. Bonillo, R. Torrubia 


Master in Forensic and Criminal Psychology, Il3-UB
“Estudio de las propiedades psicométricas del TriPM en población juvenil interna en centros cerrados de Cataluña”
Supervision: A. Cuquerella, A. Pueyo i B. Molinuevo

Official Master in Neurosciences, UAB
“Eye vergence and pupil size during an attention task in children and early adolescents: the role of externalizing problems and ADHD”
Supervision: B. Molinuevo i R. Torrubia