The UN proclaimed 2019, to be the International Year of Moderation, in a new effort to promote dialogue, tolerance, understanding and cooperation in today’s society.

In this context marked by humanitarian crises, such as the situation of migrants and refugees that flee from their countries of origin, the Mediterranean Communication Observatory (OMEC) has organized a series of activities to involve UAB students in these debates and processes of social change.

The first initiative is the Photographic Contest entitled ‘The image as a tool for social cohesion and the promotion of Human Rights’. The deadline for proposal submissions is open from January 14th to March 31st, 2019, and all UAB degree and postgraduate students can participate. The three best photographs will be rewarded (see conditions and prizes) and the best works will be part of an exhibition that will take place between May and June at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the UAB.

At the same time, the III Cycle of Workshops: “Communication, Development and Social Change”  will soon begin. It will take place on three different days at the Faculty of Sciences of the Communication from the UAB.

The first workshop, on February 28th, is entitled “Participatory communication: putting ourselves at the center of information to generate social change ” and will be carried out by Thais Bonilla, a journalist, communicator for social transformation and defender of human rights. Bonilla is an expert in social transformation at the International Institute for Novelty Action (Novact).

“Informing about sexist violence” is the title of the second workshop, which will take place on the 14th of  March, and will be presented by Juana Gallego, an expert in communication and gender of the UAB. This training workshop is supported by the Catalan Institute of Women and the Council of the Audiovisual of Catalonia.

The last workshop will be held on the 4th of April with the title “A vaccination against rumors”. It will be presented by Rodrigo Pietro, an expert in social communication, and cultural and gender diversity. Prieto is the Director of the Diversitas Institute and this workshop is part of the Antirumors Network of the City Council of Barcelona.

All three workshops are free, with pre-registration at The seats are limited and those attending one or more workshops will receive certificates of participation.