
Cristina Fernández Rovira


Cristina Fernández-Rovira is a professor and researcher. She has a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a master’s degree in Conflictology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and a master’s degree in European Integration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with an International Mention. She combines her professional activity at the university with collaborations in the media and with the continuation of her studies, with the degrees of Political Science and Sociology (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, currently in progress). She has carried out several research stays, for example at the Centre Emile Durkheim of Sciences Po Bordeaux-Université de Bordeaux and has been a visiting professor at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport in Cairo.

She teaches at the Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, in the areas of communication and journalism, and at ESIC Business & Marketing School, in the areas of sociology and anthropology. She is also a researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, as a member of the Laboratory for Prospective and Research in Communication, Culture and Cooperation (LAPREC).

Lines of research:

Her main research interests are focused on

· Political communication, social media and the economy of attention.

· Social and political transformations of post-industrial societies.

· Public opinion and the European Union.

Most recent academic publications:

“Economy of attention as the axis of the 21st century monopoly”. Handbook of Corporate Sustainability in the Digital Era, Palgrave, 2020 (In Press).

“Estudio comparado del posicionamiento feminista en Twitter de los políticos españoles”. Revista Anàlisi, Diciembre, 2019.

“El viaje en la esfera pública europea. El caso del Programa Erasmus”. Universitas, 30, pp. 79-95, 2019.

“Los problemas de representación política y la socialdemocracia: los casos de España y Francia (2000-2017)”. Tesis Doctoral, leída el 11/12/2018.

“Narcos o la caricatura narcótica de una realidad de terror”. En S. Giraldo (ed.), ¿Por qué amamos a Pablo Escobar? Barcelona: Editorial UOC, 2018.

“Comunicación política en Colombia: un sistema democrático moderno para una sociedad sin modernidad”, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Máster en Gestión política y electoral, 2017.

“De la revolución al caracol”, Editorial UOC, Barcelona, 2015.

“Detrás del pasamontañas, 20 años del proyecto de autonomía del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional”, Editorial Uno, Albacete, 2014.