1. How do I register?
Please read the registration information here.
2. How do I get an invoice?
Please read the registration information here (question 5).
3. What format is the conference?
It will be an online conference with recorded video presentations.
Interaction will be possible through a written forum.
The platform used will be Moodle.
M4ALL and ARSAD will have different spaces in Moodle.
4. I am a speaker. How do I prepare the video presentation? How long should it be?
Please read the video instructions for speakers available here.
Each speaker has been given a time slot.
This is the maximum length of each presentation
but speakers are free to adapt to the online format
and make presentations shorter.
5. I have registered. How do I get access to the platform?
We will contact you and give you a code
a few days before the conference.
See instructions sent by email.
6. Is the platform accessible?
We use Moodle.
ACPA, a user association which is M4ALL accessibility sponsor,
has tested our platform
and has confirmed it is accessible.
7. Are the videos accessible?
The videos will be uploaded on Youtube and embedded in Moodle.
Speakers have been requested to provide subtitles in English,
to describe the visual elements on their presentations,
and to avoid complex language.
TransMedia Catalonia is not responsible for the subtitle quality.
8. For how long will the videos be available on the Moodle platform?
The programme indicates the time when the videos will be made public through the public.
At that time a specific written forum for each session and panel will be open.
The videos and written fora will be available during a week, until February 5th.
9. I am a speaker. Do I have to register and pay?
Yes, you have to register and pay the corresponding fee.
We will issue proof of presentation after the conference.
10. Will I receive a certificate?
We will provide proof of attendance to all participants who attend (speakers included).
We will provide proof of presentation to all speakers who present.
We will not give a certificate for co-authors who do not register.
11. I am a student and a speaker. What fee do I have to pay?
Even if you are a speaker, your fee is the student fee.
12. How do I prove I am a student?
In the registration form you will need to upload a pdf document proving it.
It can be your student card, but we will also accept other documents such as a valid registration to a university course.
13. I am a co-author. Do I need to register?
If you co-present, yes, you need to register and pay. We will give access to the platform, and issue proof of participation and proof of attendance to those who register and pay the corresponding fee.
If you do not register, you will be listed as co-author in the conference programme but you cannot be part of the video presentation. You will not be given proof of presentation/attendance.
14. I have registered. How will I join the online sessions?
There will not be live online sessions.
As indicated above, there will be prerecorded presentations
and interaction will be possible through written fora.
This will accommodate participants in different time zones.
The forum written interaction will be open at the same time
the video presentation is launched,
but will be open during all the conference.
You will also be able to watch the presentations
and read the fora until February 5th.
I have a question not included here. Who can I contact?
Please contact us at transmedia.catalonia@uab.cat.