We collaborate in issue 221 of Infogai magazine with the article “Our streets? The right to feel comfort when we walk” In this publication we reveal the emotional journey of women and non-binary people from the LGTBIQ+ community when walking through Barcelona’s streets. We emphasize that the queer participants can find relief in being invisible, but being visible is also associated with feeling well-being:
Queer visibility is also conceived as a liberating experience. Thus, many interviewees describe that they feel comfort when they walk holding hands with their partner, when they are accompanied by queer friends, or when their gender
Són nostres els carrers? El dret a sentir benestar quan caminem. Infogai 221 – Primavera 2024, pp.20-21
expression mirrors their identity. Therefore, visibility and companionship constitute everyday forms of care and resistance to the cisheteronorm.
You can read the entire article by subscribing to the magazine or by visiting the library. It is also available at the Communcation Library of the UAB.