I have published this week not one but TWO books gathering works written by my students. As I have been narrating here, I started publishing students’ work back in 2013-14, when I edited two volumes on Harry Potter. I became then hooked on project-oriented teaching for BA and MA subjects, mostly electives, and these new […]
Even though I write plenty about gender, I don’t write about sex because, being a Victorian at heart, I believe this is a very private matter. I don’t mean that sex should not be discussed (of course it should!), but that it is difficult to participate in the discussion because there is only a certain […]
I published four months ago a post about my new MA subject on children in Anglophone cinema, which I have taught this semester under the umbrella label Gender Studies. This is somehow a continuation of a subject I taught three years ago, which resulted in the publication of the e-book by the students Gender in […]
A few weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of helping to consolidate the academic career of a brilliant young scholar, Pablo Gómez Muñoz, whose excellent volume Science Fiction Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Transnational Futures, Cosmopolitan Concerns (Routledge, 2023), I earnestly recommend. Pablo, who has been working for some years now at the Universidad […]
I started three weeks ago a new MA subject on children in Anglophone cinema, under the umbrella label Gender Studies. This is a continuation of a subject I taught three years ago, which resulted in the publication of the e-book by the students Gender in 21st Century Animated Children’s Cinema (check please my post on […]
[WARNING SPOILERS] I was very much surprised, or rather dismayed, to read about Giórgos ‘Yorgos’ Lanthimos’s new film Poor Things, being a big fan of the novel but not at all of the director. Neither The Lobster (2015) nor The Favourite (2018) are films I have enjoyed and, to be honest, I fail to understand […]
I reported in a post written four weeks ago that Shirley Jackson had taken her inspiration for the mansion in The Haunting of Hill House (1959) from the Crocker House of San Francisco, designed by her great-grandfather Samuel Charles Bugbee. Today I am returning to Jackson’s novel to discuss the role of production design as […]
The X-Files, one of the most important television series ever, was launched 30 years ago today, on 10 September 1993. The series, created by Chris Carter, narrated in 218 episodes broadcast along eleven seasons (1993-2002, 2016, 2018), and two films (1998, 2008), the cases investigated by FBI Agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully […]
This post has the same title as the last book I have published, my second monograph in English. It came out a few weeks ago and will be followed this Autumn by my own translation into Spanish, Detrás de la mascara: masculinidades americanas en el documental contemporáneo (U València). Curiously, Anglophone publishers prefer the less […]
My post today is inspired by Daniel Soufi’s article for El País “Salvar el mundo por no jubilarse: los héroes de más de 60 años llenan las pantallas de cine” [Saving the World to Avoid Retirement: Over-60 Heroes Fill the Cinema Screens]. Soufi wonders why ageing male actors are still playing action heroes and names […]