I was told yesterday that I must bear in mind that not all of our students agree with the left-wing political position I defend, as a feminist and a socialist, and that some actually support right-wing policies. This is hardly surprising if we take into account voting statistics and the growth of the extreme right […]
Many years ago, a publisher offered me the chance to publish a book about the figure of the femme fatale, addressed to a general readership. I cannot recommend enough the two books by Bram Dijkstra’s Idols of Perversity: Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-Siècle Culture (1986) and Evil Sisters: The Threat of Female Sexuality in […]
I have published this week not one but TWO books gathering works written by my students. As I have been narrating here, I started publishing students’ work back in 2013-14, when I edited two volumes on Harry Potter. I became then hooked on project-oriented teaching for BA and MA subjects, mostly electives, and these new […]
My weekly posts have become almost fortnightly posts because I am distressed by the events happening in the USA and I can’t focus. Since the beginning of the year I am having serious difficulties to concentrate and read books; the very few I have read (Kidnapped and Catriona by R.L. Stevenson) are novels I needed […]
I don’t know what the etiquette is in these cases, but I shared with my master’s class the reason for my absence last Thursday: my father, 87, died suddenly of a heart attack the day before, Wednesday 23. He had just got off the bus mid-morning, felt dizzy and, the neighbours have told us, collapsed […]
This has turned out to be a weird week in terms of gender, particularly in Scotland and in Spain. I’m writing this specially for my international MA class in the subject ‘Body and Gender in Narrative’ as they might miss either one of the two events I wish to discuss here: the complete withdrawal from […]
I published four months ago a post about my new MA subject on children in Anglophone cinema, which I have taught this semester under the umbrella label Gender Studies. This is somehow a continuation of a subject I taught three years ago, which resulted in the publication of the e-book by the students Gender in […]
Even though I have been teaching H. Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines (1885) for a few years now, it seems I have not written about this novel here. A bit odd. Since I am most likely saying goodbye to it, this is perhaps the right moment to discuss its racist, colonial content, the issue on […]
My post today is a sort of belated coda to the book I published last year, American Masculinities in Contemporary Documentary Film: Up Close Behind the Mask (see my post on this book), whose Spanish self-translation Detrás de la máscara: masculinidades americanas en el documental contemporáneo, is now available in open access. In that book […]
On Friday I’ll be giving a lecture as the guest of ICGR’s 7th International Conference on Gender Research, to be celebrated at my own university, UAB. The title of my lecture is the one I’m using for this post: ‘Doing Masculinities Studies as a Feminist Woman: Aims and Gains.’ This invitation has reached me at […]