On Thursday we received at UAB the visit of our colleagues from the CELCA (Centre for English Languages and Literatures) of the Universitat de Lleida, an institute that gathers together the research groups Ratnakara, which specializes currently in Indian Ocean literatures, and Dedal-Lit, which deals with Age Studies (please take a look at the forthcoming […]
My post today is inspired by Daniel Soufi’s article for El País “Salvar el mundo por no jubilarse: los héroes de más de 60 años llenan las pantallas de cine” [Saving the World to Avoid Retirement: Over-60 Heroes Fill the Cinema Screens]. Soufi wonders why ageing male actors are still playing action heroes and names […]
I have just written a review of Virginia Luzón-Aguado’s new book Harrison Ford: Masculinity and Stardom in Hollywood (Bloomsbury) and there are a few more matters I’d like to consider, for which I had no room there. Luzón-Aguado’s accomplished volume is absolutely recommended to those who admire this American male star but also to those […]