My weekly posts have become almost fortnightly posts because I am distressed by the events happening in the USA and I can’t focus. Since the beginning of the year I am having serious difficulties to concentrate and read books; the very few I have read (Kidnapped and Catriona by R.L. Stevenson) are novels I needed […]
Mis publicaciones semanales se han convertido en casi quincenales porque estoy angustiada por los eventos que suceden en los EE. UU. y no puedo concentrarme. Desde principios de año estoy teniendo serias dificultades para concentrarme y leer libros; los poquísimos que he leído (Secuestrado y Catriona de R.L. Stevenson) son novelas que necesitaba conocer para […]
A year ago I published a monographic volume called Masculinity and Patriarchal Villainy in the British Novel: From Hitler to Voldemort in which I aimed at showing how real-life and fictional villains embody patriarchy’s promise of power to complicit men. Some fulfil that promise to a degree so hyperbolic that they need to be eliminated, […]