Citing Queen and the wonderful Freddy Mercury is always a good idea, though their song “A Kind of Magic” does not really refer to what I have in mind. Written by drummer Roger Taylor for the film Highlander in 1986, this song speaks of transcending time as the immortals in the movie’s fable do. However, […]
This is the last post of the current academic year (2023-24), in which I have written relatively few posts (only 39) because I have been writing yet another book (Masculinity in Contemporary Science Fiction by Men: No Plans for the Future, Liverpool UP) and getting the Spanish translation ready, both for next year. Nothing saps […]
The mood has changed so much this weekend that I must think somebody is crazy: either the scientists asking for as much prudence as possible until the Covid-19 vaccine arrives (most likely 2022), or my fellow citizens who have taken to the streets disregarding all precautions as if this nightmare were already over. The latter, […]
This post is going to sound a bit cloak-and-dagger since I have decided not to name the author whose opinions I’ll discuss here, in order to respect ‘their’ privacy. The art of sending emails to persons one has not met is a delicate one and in this case it has failed me totally, for which […]
I am currently a member of the Ministry-funded research project led by Dr. Helena González of the University of Barcelona, Parias y tránsfugas modernas: género y exclusión en la cultura popular del s.XXI ( We had a seminar last week, which opened with my presentation of six characters that, in my view, are either outcasts […]