Production, maintenance and improvement of the Fons d’Història Local de Catalunya and TRACES

The main future objectives of SIBHIL·LA are based on our wish to continue with the production and promotion of our databases “Fons d’Història Local de Catalunya” and “TRACES”. That means that we need to maintain, update and improve the databases search systems and the diffusion process.

Creation and promotion of TRACES Actualitat (Current Issues) project

TRACES Actualitat (Current Issues) is a critical overview of the recent books and plays. As a result of an agreement with the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, TRACES has been harvesting, since October 2007, the critical reviews of books and plays written in Catalan or translated into Catalan and published in the following newspapers, weekly magazines and journals: Avui, Benzina, Caràcters, El País (Catalonia edition), El País (C. Valenciana, “Quadern” edition), El Periódico de Catalunya, El Temps, Els Marges (since 2011), L’Espira-Diari de Balears (since December of 2010), Hamlet, L’Avenç, La Vanguardia, Levante-EMV, Lluc, Presència, Serra d’Or and Time Out Cultura-Ara (since January of 2011).

The project future objectives are :

– To attach the Full text to the referenced documents.

– To Design the Current Issues database.

– To improve the diffusion of the Current Issues newsletter that has been sent to the University research community and Catalan cultural institutions (Libraries, publishers, cultural associations…)

 Maintenance and updating of the History of Catalonia Thesaurus

The History of Catalonia Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary of terms in Catalan on the History of Catalonia. It was created to be used as a key tool in the analysis and retrieval of the information stored in the Fons d’Història Local de Catalunya database. Its the result of a big effort that began back in 1987.

The Thesaurus is a work in progress, nowadays it has 4.375 terms but it will keep growing.

Edition and distribution of a collection of electronic thematic monographs

A project to create a new collection of electronic thematic bibliographies a list of selected bibliographical references complemented with an introduction written by an expert that will give a new approach an a critical overview to the subject.

The monographs will cover a wide number of historic subjects such as: Carlism and Carlist wars in Catalonia; Memoirs and biographies of women during the Spanish civil war and Franco’s dictatorship; Labour movement and anarchism. They also will appear to celebrate historical facts and other events.

Designing of bibliographical content related to Catalan language and literature

In order to disseminate Catalan language and literature presence in the media, TRACES has been providing bibliographical content that will help find new ways for making the authors and the creations that for some reason or other have reached the news more accessible to readers.

In this way, TRACES will broaden its contents in two main lines of work:

– Guided searches about the main events and authors of the Catalan language and literature field

– Products to promote the year`s events, awards and anniversaries.

Biographical dictionary of Spanish Parliament members from Catalonia (1810-1931)

SIBHIL·LA has been giving technical support to the research project “Diccionari biogràfic de Parlamentaris de Catalunya (1810-1931)”  carried by the consolidated research group Grup d’Història del Parlamentarisme.

Since 2006 it has been carried out:
– The biographical, bibliographical and documental database infrastructure that helps the group members with their research.
– The search interface that presents the first research results: Diputats de Catalunya a les Corts Republicanes 1931-1939 (Deputies from Catalonia in the Spainish republican parliament)


Technical support to the project Biographical dictionary of Spanish Parliament members (1810-1854)

SIBHIL·LA in collaboration with the consolidated research group  Grup d’Història del Parlamentarisme (GHP) has been taking part in the project “Diccionario biográfico de los Parlamentarios Españoles 1810-1854 (DBPE)”.

This project is the result of a research agreement signed by the “Cortes Generales” (the legislature of Spain) and the Universidad del País Vasco on behalf of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universidad de Sevilla, the Universidad de Valladolid, the Universidad del País Vasco and the Centro de Estudios Políticos i Constitucionales de Madrid and a network of 44 Spanish and Latin American universityes and more than 400 researchers.


Discussion about whether TRACES should or not be subject of study at the Master degree in Advanced and Applied Studies of Catalan Language and Literature

Nowadays TRACES is discussing terms with the UAB Catalan Philology Department in order to include the database in the master’s programme. Either by offering the students an internship in TRACES or by including a subject whose aim is to provide the students with an active approach to the research resources and contents of the philology field.

Maintenance of the CEFID’s Catalonia during Franco’s dictatorship dictionary

SIBHIL·LA maintains (adding new entries) the electronic version of the  “Catalunya durant el Franquisme” dictionary. It has also developed and designed the dictionary search interface..