Welcome to SIBHIL·LA

SIBHIL·LA is the new UAB’s scientific & technical service born to promote, enhance and give visibility to the most complete bibliographic databases on history, language and literature of Catalonia.

Its aim is to be a key tool in the knowledge transfer on the field of humanities, and to answer the needs of national and international cultural, educational and research entities and groups.

The creation of SIBHIL·LA is the recognition, by the UAB, of two services and projects that have been working for 25 years to give teachers and researchers the essential bibliographical materials on history and culture of Catalonia and Catalan language and literature.

SIBHIL·LA is the fusion of two projects with a very similar background and objectives that were created back in 1987 to fulfil the research needs of teachers and research groups in contemporary history and Catalan studies.:

 – The Servei de Documentació d’Història Local de Catalunya (SDHLC), Documentation service on Local history of Catalonia, member of the Department of Modern & Contemporary History.

 – TRACES: Database on Catalan Language and Literatures, created by the Grup d’Estudis de Literatura Catalana Contemporània (GELCC) of the Department of Catalan studies.

In 2014, the IFMuC project joined SIBHIL·LA, a database of catalogues describing musical archives of Catalonia produced by the Chair of Musical Heritage in the Department of Art and Musicology at the UAB, directed by the professor Josep Maria Gregori i Cifré

Our Services

Customized research services (Addressed to University students, teachers and researchers, and to information centres and external users)

Design of cultural products and knowledge transfer with the retrieved information of our databases (FONSHL & TRACES)

Resources for Researchers: Technical support, advice, design and implementation of documental and bibliographical projects.