Since April 2012, the History section of SIBHIL·LA is responsible for the products, projects and services of the former Servei de Documentació d’Història Local de Catalunya (SDHLC) of the UAB’s Department of Modern and Contemporary History.


Management, maintenance and promotion of the Fons d’Història Local de Catalunya, a bibliographic database on History of Catalonia, a free access catalog with more than 167.000 bibliographical references.
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Development, management, and updating of the  Tesaurus d’Història de Catalunya. A controlled vocabulary of terms in Catalan on the History of Catalonia. A key tool in the analysis and retrieval of the information stored in the Fons d’Historia Local de Catalunya. Nowadays it has 4.509 terms.

It also has a services charter that includes: customized research services, information science advising services, design of bibliographical products, training programs and research technical support