Knowledge transfer

  • Presentation of the WEL project at la Nit de la Recerca in CosmoCaixa, 29 September 2023.
  • Presentation of the WEL project at Fira Smart City, 7th November 2023.
  • Presentation of the WEL project at SAGA (Fira del gaming en català), 1-2-3 December 2023.
  • Carme Mangiron and Miguel Ángel Oliva Zamora offered a talk entitled “Tothom a jugar! Com fer els videojocs més inclusius i accessibles” at Saló de l’Ensenyament, 13 March 2024.
  • Anna Matamala and Carme Mangiron participated as invited speakers in a round table about accessibility and translation at II Congreso Internacional de Traducción y Sostenibilidad Cultural in Salamanca, 18 April 2024.
  • Presentation of the WEL project during the 17 TIM meeting, organised for the GAAD 2024, 16 April 2024.
  • Anna Matamala presents the WEL project during the WSIS 2024, organised by the ITU, 28 Mai 2024.
  • Anna Matamala offered the workshop “Sèries i videojocs accessibles per a tothom” at Institut Montserrat Miró during the Nit de la Recerca, 26 September 2024.

Presentations and conferences

  • Matamala, Anna. (2023). “Normas, oralidad y escritura en Lectura Fácil”. I Congreso Internacional de Comunicación Clara. Online, 9-10 November 2023.
  • Larreina Morales, María Eugenia; Oliva Zamora, Miguel Ángel. (2023). “Juguem junts: Com millorar l’accessibilitat visual i cognitiva dels videojocs”. SAGA, Fira del gaming en català. La Farga, L’Hospitalet, 2 Desember 2023.
  • Matamala, Anna; Oncins, Estel·la. (2024). “Towards an accessible metaverse: user requirements”. IUI 2024- IUI4Metaverse Workshop. Online, 18 March 2024.
  • Oliva-Zamora, Miguel Ángel. (2024). “Does Easy-to-understand Language fit into Video Games?”. Will video games make you stupid? Dijon, 28-29 March 2024.
  • Oliva-Zamora, Miguel Ángel; Mangiron, Carme. (2024). “Cognitive Accessibility in Video Games: A Literature Review”. II Congreso Internacional Traducción y Sostenibilidad Cultural: Retos y nuevos escenarios. Salamanca, 17 April 2024.
  • Pujadas-Farreras, Marina. (2024). “El lenguaje fácil oral: ¿cuándo es ‘más lento’, demasiado lento?”. XI Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 29-31 Mai 2024.
  • Oliva-Zamora, Miguel Ángel; Larreina-Morales, María Eugenia. (2024). “Cognitive Accessibility in Educational Games: A Set of Recommendations”. 1st International Congress “Audiovisual Accessibility and Inclusion in the University Environment”. Verona, 13-14 June 2024.
  • Pujadas-Farreras, Marina. (2024). “Easy audios for better comprehension: Speech rate and pause duration”. OPEN Research Network Seminar. Online, 17 June 2024.
  • Oliva Zamora, Miguel; Mangiron, Carme. (2024). “Level Up! Nous avenços en l’accessibilitat als videojocs.” Researcher’s Night, CosmoCaixa, Barcelona.
  • Oncins, Estel·la. (2024). “Intel·ligència articifial: una eina transformadora per a tothom?” Researcher’s Night, CosmoCaixa, Barcelona.