Seminars and Conferences (by invitation)
2022. “Cloistered Iconoclasts? Challenging Stereotypes in Early Modern Spiritual Women”. Invited Lecture at the Virginia Fox Stern Center for the History of the Book in the Renaissance. 27 September. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
2022. “Arcangela Tarabotti y Arcangela Biondini: dos estilos reivindicativos desde el género epistolar”. L’inchiostro invisibile delle donne. Biblioteca centrale della regione siciliana, Palermo. 5 May.
2021. “Literary Genre and the Gender of Intellectual Value in Early Modernity”. Invited Lecture for Research Workshop “Women in the History of Early Modern Philosophy – Neglected Figures, Genres and Topics”. Organized by prof. Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, History of Philosophy Research Group, Department of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen. 10 June. Online.
2021. “Sanar el cos, curar la paraula: auto-edició d’un corpus públic d’autora en la senectut”. Invited talk at research seminar Corpo-Polítiques de la Memòria. 16 April, 2021. Projecte Menció Encarna Sanahuja YII, UAB. Online.
2020. “Early Modern Women’s Writing in Contemporary Culture”. A Women’s Art Independent Festival, 11 December 2020. Universitat de Roma & La Casa Internazionale delle Donne di Roma. Online.
2019. “Recovering the Value of Women’s Spiritual Writings in the Long Reformation”. Seminar Lecture in “Figures de la spiritualité féminine dans les espaces catholiques et protestants (Europe occidentale, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles)”, Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherche sur le Monde Anglophone. 9 December. Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille.
2019. “Conscience Matters: A Transversal Approach to Early Modern Women’s Prophecy”. Seminar Lecture in “Women of the Book: A Conference on the Spiritual Lives of Early Modern Women”, Virginia Fox Stern Center for the History of the Book in the Renaissance. 7 September. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
2019. “Hermeneutics of the Feminine: Recovering the Value of Women’s Religious Writings in the Long Reformation”. Keynote talk in seminar “Women as Biblical Interpreters”.19 March. Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, Toronto.
2018. “Trans-genre Writing in the New Historia”. Keynote debate at the The New Historia Symposium. 17-19 October. The New School University, New York.
2018. “A Crisis of Reading: The Culture of Prophecy in the Long Reformation”. Symposium Lecture at the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, CMRS Seminar Series. 6 February. UCLA, Los Angeles.
2017. “In-depth connections: using the NEWW VRE to enhance interpretation in research about early modern women’s writings”. Seminar on “Teaching Women Writers: exploring NEWW VRE possibilities” and DARIAH Working Group Meeting. 16-18 November. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2016. “Èxtasi, raó i consciència en el context purità: el cas de la profecia al segle XVII anglès”. Lecture and Round Table (with Jaume Mensa and Rithée Cevasco) at Congreso Internacional Cuerpo y Éxtasis. 25 November. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona.
2016. “Muzio Clementi en el context de la cultura anglesa de la Il.lustració”. Seminar Lecture at “Anglaterra al Voltant d’un Piano. Música, Art i Societat en el Pas del Segle XVIII al XIX”. Facultat de Filologia. 15 July. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona.
2016. “Gendering Invisible Intellectual Value: A Historical Approach”. Seminar ‘The Discourses of Authorial Value and the Gendering of Cultural Production’, 11 January. Universitat de Barcelona – Centre Dona i Literatura, Barcelona.
2015. “Biographical Miscellany in the Manuscripts of Ann Yerbury”. Mary Hays International Seminar. Departamento de Filologia Inglesa. 23-25 March. Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña.
2013. “Defending Female Authorship from Speech to Print in Seventeenth-Century Prophetic Writing”. Women and Culture in the Early Modern World, Mahindra Humanities Center Seminar, Department of English. 14 March. Harvard University.
2013. “From Sophia to Sappho: The Prophetic Voice in Seventeenth-century Women’s Poetry”. Early Modern Seminar, Department of Comparative Literature. 13 March. Harvard University.
WINK Research Seminars and Conference Organization
For updated information on WINK Research seminars, workshops and conferences, go to WINK Website. European Research Council (ERC-StG: 805436)
2022. Organization of 32nd SEDERI Conference, Barcelona. “The Textual Spaces of Domestic Life in Early Modern England: Literature, Gender, Economy”. English Department, UAB. 11–13 May.
2021. VII Jornada Internacional sobre Traducció. “Lletra Incògnita: Traducció i Recepció d’Autores Europees de la Primera Modernitat”. 29-30 November. UPF.

International Conferences (selection)
2022. “Life Among These Unknown Revolutionaries”: Traces of Lucy Hutchinson’s
Memoirs in the Spanish and Italian Historiography of the English Revolution”. Conference: Lucy Hutchinson, Revolution and Women’s Writing. Department of English, University of Nottingham, 27-29 June.
2022. “Early Modern Spiritual Women as Consumers and Creators of Ephemera”. Roundtable convenor, sponsored by Book History Discipline. Renaissance Society of America. The Marsh’s Library, Dublin. 1 April.
2021. “Genre, Gender, and Print: Can Early Modern Women’s Writing Change the History of the Book?” Roundtable, sponsored by Book History Discipline. Renaissance Society of America, 20 April. Online.
2019. “In the Words of a Sage and Ageing Exegete: An Approach to the Intellectual Contribution of Nineteenth-Century Women Interpreters of the Bible”. Conference: Narratives of Ageing in the Nineteenth Century. University of Lincoln. 23 July, Lincoln, UK.
2019. “Fashioning Personal Conscience against Sectarian Beliefs in Seventeenth-Century Women’s Prophecy”. Conference: The 65th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. 17-19 March. Sheraton Center. Toronto.
2017. “The Virile Robe of the Female Sex: The Spanish Reception of Germaine de Staël through Emilia Pardo-Bazán’s essays on French Literature”. Conference: Reputations, Legacies, Futures: Jane Austen, Germaine de Staël and their Contemporaries. 13-15 July. Chawton House Library, Hampshire, UK.
2016. “To give you the words of a learned Spaniard: Los sinsabores del cacao de Indias en el contexto puritano inglés en The Indican Nectar: or a Discourse Concerning Chocolata, de Henry Stubbe (1662)”. Conference: Saberes y Enseñanzas en la América Colonial, siglos xvi-xvii. Centro de Estudios de la América Colonial, UAB. 21 October, Barcelona.
2016. “Eminency and Wisdom: Making Sense of ‘Those Qualities which Many Think Most Unlikely to be Found in Women’ in The Woman’s Glorie by Thomas Torshell (1645)”. Conference ‘Recovering Women’s Past: New Epistemologies, New Ventures’, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. 8-11 September. University of Edinburgh.
2016. “Prophecy and the Language of Isolation in Lady Eleanor Davies’s Tracts”. Conference: The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. 31 March – 2 April. Hynes Convention Center. Boston.
2016. Chair of Panel “Political Thought and Diplomacy in Early Modern England”. Conference: The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. 1 April. Hynes Convention Center. Boston.
2014. “Seventeenth Century Prophecy and the Quest for Authorship”. Conference: Revisiting Early Modern Prophecies. University of Goldsmith. 16-18 June, London.
2014. “In Semi-circle they Sit: The Sybylline Voice in Seventeenth-century Women’s Poetry”. 25th SEDERI Conference, 14-16 May. Universidad de Oviedo.
2013. “Censorship, Rhetoric and Authorship in Dissident’s Women’s Writing”. Conference: Domestic Dissidents, a Re-examination of the Lives, Exchanges and Everday Experiences of Radical Religious Women 1500-1800. 10-11 June. University of Warwick.
2012. “The Cure of the Kingdome: Defending Female Authorship in Elizabeth Poole’s A Vision (1648). Conference: The Battle for Books: The 20th Annual Conference on the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP). 26-29 June. Trinity College, Dublin.
2011. “A Small Beer and Toast”: Street Politics and Prophetic Performance in Anna Trapnel’s The Cry of a Stone (1654)”. Conference: 35th AEDEAN Conference. 16-18 November. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
2010. “‘I Will Rejoice While I Do Breathe’: Scriptural Departures in Seventeenth-century Prophetic Genres”. Conference: Biblical Women: Reading and Writing Women in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 10-11 September. School of English, Queen’s University, Belfast.
2010. “The Case for Prophecy: Politics, Gender and Self-representation in Seventeenth-century Prophetic Literature”, Conference: “Ports, Piers and Roads: Self and World in Early Modern Culture”, Faculty of Arts, Porto University, 22-24 April. Porto, Portugal.
2010. “The Fox-man Politician and Other Species: Margaret Cavendish’s Description of the New World, called The Blazing World (1668)”. Conference: Women Telling Nations. 11-13 November. Facultad de Letras, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
2009. “The Cry of a Virgin: The Gender of Seventeenth-century Prophetic Genres”. 3rd International NEWW-Conference: “Theorizing Narrative Genre and Gender”. 15-17 May. Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany.
2009. “Varieties of Gender Representation in Seventeenth-century Prophetic Genres.” Conference: “Region, Religion and Early Modern Literature”, 1-3 April. Institute of English Studies, Senate House, University of London and the Society for Renaissance Studies, London, UK.
2008. “Laughing Babies and Crying Medusas: Motherhood in Sex and the City.” Participation in Round Table “Gender Studies” at 32nd AEDEAN Conference. 12-14 November. Universidad de Les Illes Balears.
2008. “You the Meek Virgin: an Approach to Eleanor Davies’ Prophetic Texts”, SEDERI 19th Conference, 23-25 April. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.
2008. “Cos, esperit i paraula en el món de la Reforma.” Conference: Cossos i ànimes: esperit i matèria al Renaixement Europeu. 10 March. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
2007. “Gatty Bell’s Magical Awakening and Other Wonders: A Gendered Analysis of James Hogg’s The Three Perils of Woman (1823)”. Conference: From Ettrick to Empire: New Perspectives in James Hogg’s Studies. 7-9 August. University of Stirling, UK.
2007. “For the Progress of Women: An Approach to Womanhood in the ‘New Woman’ Print Culture of 1890s Britain”. Conference: Print Culture and the Novel, 1850-1900. 20-21 January. English Faculty, Oxford University, UK.
2007. “Born in the Streets: Violence, Gangsterism and Power in Gangs of New York”, 31st AEDEAN Conference. 14-17 November. Universidad de La Coruña.
2007. “City of Flesh, Body of Mortar: The Body as City in Peter Ackroyd’s London, The Biography”, Conference: I Congreso Internacional de los Textos del Cuerpo. 26-30 March. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
2007. “Transgressions of the Spirit: Voices of Resistance in Katherine Evans’ and Sarah Cheevers’ A Short Relation of their Sufferings”, SEDERI 18th Conference. 7-9 March. Universidad de Cádiz.