Supervision and Mentorship (Postdoctoral, Doctoral, MA, TFG)  


My main line of research focuses on early modern women’s writing (1600-1750), with particular emphasis on prose writing, poetry, and pre-novelistic discourses.

I examine the marginalization of women’s thought in the early modern period (1500-1770), when a massive dissemination of printed matter across Europe and beyond took place. I seek to provide a model for qualitative analysis of neglected textualities by women with a methodology in practice that retrieves intellectual content, modifying androcentric and binary dynamics of representing valuable thinking that have perpetuated up to the present time. The research seeks the full integration of women in the systems of knowledge production and transmission.

My research integrates social history, historiography (debates on the canon), history of ideas (the need to trace a genealogy of women’s contributions, not just biographies), cognitive literary theory, religion and mysticism in the Reformation, reception and textual analysis.

I have supervised over 20 MA dissertations on women’s writing (UAB) and on content and integrated language learning to students in Colombia, US and Ecuador (UNIR, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja).

Selection of MA dissertations on Literature: Helena Zúñiga (2021); Sally Tozer (2020); Shao Huiting (2017); Francesca Blanch (2016); Paula Yurss (2015); Onur Akin (2014); Azahara Ruiz (2013) and dozens of TFGs for UAB and UNIR.

TFG Award to the best Degree Paper with a gender perspective in Arts and Humanities to Nausica Vicens Salomon (sup. Carme Font): “The Representation of Male Character in Judith Drake’s An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex (1969): An Educational Proposal”. Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, UAB; Institut Català de les Dones; Observatori per a la Igualtat de la UAB.

Participation in Doctoral progress and MA examining committees (UAB -English Studies and Comparative Literature-, UNIR, UB’s Master on Gender Studies).

Postdoctoral and visitors’ research supervision: Maxim Rigaux (Ghent University, UAB, 2019-2022); Anita Gill, Fulbright scholar (2021-2022).

Supervision of Doctoral Theses

Paula Yurss Lasanta. “I Partake the Common Feeling”: Helen Maria Williams’ Political Writings on The French Revolution (1790-1827)”. Thesis defended on 25 March, 2021, UAB. Mark: Excel.lent cum laude, with European Mention.

Francesca Blanch Serrat. “In Years Long Fled’: Romanticizing Age and Maturity in Anna Seward’s Poetry.” Thesis defended on 22 October 2021, UAB. Mark: Excel.lent cum laude, with European Mention.

Sally Tozer (co-supervised with Joan Curbet, 2nd year). “The Politics of Politeness of Medieval Romance in The Wedding of Gawain and Dame Ragnell”. English Department, UAB.

Juan Carrillo del Saz (co-supervised with Marta Marfany, UPF, 2nd year). “Market Rules: Early Translations and Receptions of Willa Cather, Kate Chopin and Edith Wharton in Spain”. Funded dissertation with La Caixa grant, INPhINIT Retaining Fellowship (2021-2023). English Department, UAB.

Iliana Cervantes Llamas (co-supervised with Meri Torras, 3rd year). “Cuerpos migrantes: narrativas de ficción y no ficción de escritoras contemporáneas”. Departament de Literatura Comparada, UAB.

Leonilde Cutillo (co-supervised with Eduard Vilella, 1st year). “Forme dell’immaginazione mitica nell’opera di William Blake e Cesare Pavese”. Departament de Literatura Comparada, UAB.