La Càtedra Jean Monnet us convida a la conferència-debat:

“It’s a brave new world! Opportunities, risks and security threats in an EU digitized society”

a CÀRREC DE Juan Antonio Cordero Fuertes,

(École Polytechnique, PARIS)

modera Francesco Camonita, investigador EUGov.

el 12 de desembre, de 13:00 a 14:30 h
a l’Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials (ICPS)
Mallorca, 244, pral.
08008 Barcelona

Formulari d’inscripcions


It’s a brave new world ! Opportunities, risks and security threats in a digitized society 

The development of the Internet and Internet-related technologies, services and applications has accelerated in the last decades; the Internet has achieved a whole new dimension as a basic social infrastructure. It has become so pervasive that it is actually hard to imagine our daily lives if it didn’t exist or if it was shut down — just as, before the Internet, happened with electricity, mass transportation or water supply. These scientific and technological advancements not only changed the way we interacted with the world (and, to each other), but also allowed “brave new worlds” to emerge and be built around them — exciting worlds, but heavily dependent on infrastructures that may be fragile.

This is particularly true with the most recent transformations towards a”digitized society”, fuelled by the combination, deployment and generalization of wireless communication technologies and pervasive computing, on one hand, and the Internet of Things (IOT), big data and machine learning technologies, on the other. Services and models that depend on these technologies (from the smart cities to social media and Uber-like business models, from smart energy systems to home automation or connected healthcare) ultimately rely on the Internet — i.e., are exposed to security weaknesses of the Internet architecture itself, which was not originally conceived to neither”safe” nor “secure” (protected again malicious attacks), in part because it was never designed to provide support for critical systems, or open to the large public that utilizes it today. The impact of these”fundamental” Internet weaknesses, and of some of the key technologies leveraging it, grows bigger as the automatization advances and the use of the Internet-as-infrastructure becomes more widespread — in streets, in factories, in hospitals, in transportation systems, at homes. Together with the corresponding advantages, opportunities and possibilities that bring along, new cybersecurity and safety threats, risks and challenges need to be understood, integrated into the public debate and carefully addressed by regulators, institutions, citizens/users and services providers — all agents or”stakeholders”, really, of the “connected society” that is emerging or about to emerge. 

Abstract de Juan Antonio Cordero Fuertes

Postdata: Entrevista a J.A. Cordero al programa “El Pregoner” (minut 22:20)