Accelerating the 5G transition in Europe

Gilles, François ; Toth, Jaroslav (2021)

Atlas permanent de l’Union européenne

Edited by Giuliani, Jean-Dominique ; Joannin, Pascale (2021)

Biobanking across Europe post-GDPR: A deliberately fragmented landscape

Tzortzatou, Olga (et al.) (2021)

Cambridge companion to European criminal law

Edited by Kai Ambos ; Peter Rackow (2023)

Chinese immigrants in Europe : image, identity and social participation

Edited by Liu, Yue; Wang, Simeng (2020)

Citizen humanitarianism at European borders

Edited by Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen ; Pascucci, Elisa (2021)

Digitalisation in Europe 2021-2022: Evidence from the EIB Investment Survey

European Investment Bank (2022)

EIB Working Paper 2022/04 – Investment expectations by vulnerable European firms

European Investment Bank (2022)

EIB Working Paper 2022/13 – COVID-19 and the resilience of European firms

European Investment Bank (2022)

El tercer sector en España y en Europa: Crisis y resilencia

Editado por Rafael Chaves Ávila ; Annette Zimmer (2017)

España y Gibraltar tras el Brexit: Nuevo tratado y marco de relación con la Unión Europea.

Gálvez, Alejandro del Valle.; González García, Inmaculada (2022)

Engaging citizens in policy making: e-participation practices in Europe

Edited by Randma-Liiv, Tiina ; Lember, Veiko (2021)

Europe across boundaries

Edited by Duhaut, Noëmie ; Paulmann, Johannes (2022)

European disunion: democracy, sovereignty and the politics of emergency

Stefan Auer (2022)

European foreign and security policy

Catherine Gegout (2017)

European lobbying: An occupational field between professionalism and activism

Christian Lahusen (2023)

Fiscal unions: Economic integration in Europe and the United States.

Woźniakowski, Tomasz P. (2022)

Fiscalidad de las reorganizaciones empresariales en la Unión Europea: Estudio de la Directiva fiscal de fusiones.

Quintas Seara, Alberto (2022)

Formación y el desarrollo profesional en la educación y atención de la primera infancia en la Unión Europea

Ancheta Arrabal, Ana (2018)

Freedom of religion: An ambiguous right in the contemporary European legal order

Bernitz, Hedvig ; Enkvist, Victoria (2020)

Fundamentos prácticos de economía de la Unión Europea (2a. ed.)

Pablo Valenciano, Jaime de (2021)

Handbook of human dignity in Europe

Edited by Becchi, Paolo ; Mathis, Klaus (2019)

Health systems in the European Union: Diversity, convergence, and integration

Guenter Lueschen, Jouke van der Zee, William Cockerham (2016)

How bad is the Ukraine war for the European recovery?

European Investment Bank (2022)

Inmigración, integración cívica y obligación en la Unión Europea: El contrato de integración

Ana Sales Ten (2020)

Islamophobia as a form of radicalisation: Perspectives on media, Academia and socio-political Scapes from Europe and Canada

Leen D’Haenes ; Abdelwahed Mekki-Berrada (2023)

L’Union europeenne et le maintien de la paix en Afrique

Rayroux, Antoine (2017)

La Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea: The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Twenty Years Later.

Ripol Carulla, Santiago ; Ugartemendia Uceizabarrena, Juan Ignacio (2022)

La COVID-19 y los cambios en la integración latinoamericana y europea

Carlos Alberto Chaves García (et al.) (2021)

La Europeización de las políticas públicas en España: oportunidades y desafíos

Editado po rArregui, Javier (2022)

La Grande illusion : journal secret du Brexit (2016-2020)

Barnier, Michel (2021)

La Integración regional latinoamericana y europea en el siglo XXI: Marco para la reflexión sobre su presente y futuro

María Victoria Álvarez (et al.) (2020)

La Unión Europea frente a la agresión a Ucrania

Editado por Aldecoa Luzárraga, Francisco ; González Alonso, Luis Norberto (2022)

Law, solidarity and the limits of social Europe: constitutional tensions for EU integration

Edited by Hartzén, Ann-Christine ; Iossa, Andrea ; Karageorgiou, Eleni (2022)

Migrants and welfare wtates: Balancing dilemmas in Northern Europe.

Larsen, Christian A. (2022)

Miradas a Europa: Percepciones y relatos desde España

Salvador Forner, Heidy-Cristina Senante (2021)

Nuevos desafíos estratégicos en la Unión Europea

Pablo Valenciano, Jaime de (2021)

Protección multinivel de los derechos humanos: Sistemas europeo e interamericano

Luis López-Guerra (2021)

Refugees on the move: Crisis and response in Turkey and Europe

Edited by Balkan, Erol ; Kutlu-Tonak, Zümray (2022)

Sistema político de la Unión Europea

Simnon Hix (2021)

Social policy in changing European societies: research agendas for the 21st century

Edited by Nelson, Kenneth ; Yerkes, Mara A. Nieuwenhuis, Rense (2022)

Swedish, Nordic, European: The journey of a ‘model’ to abolish prostitution

Skilbrei, May-Len ; Crowhurst, Isabel (2022)

The Environment and the European public sphere perceptions, actors, policies

Wenkel, Christian (2020)

The European Union as a global counter-terrorism actor

Kaunert, Christian, (2022)

The Future of Europe views from the capitals

Edtited by Kaeding, Michael ; Pollak, Johannes ; Schmidt, Paul (2019)

The Revised European social charter: an article by article commentary

Lukas, Karin (2021)

The Unfinished history of European integration

Meurs, Wim P. van, (et al.). (2018)

Towards sustainable welfare states in Europe: social policy and climate change

Edited by Hvinden, Bjørn ; Schoyen, Mi A. ; Leiren, Merethe Dotterud (2022)

Transcending the nostalgic: Landscapes of postindustrial Europe beyond representation

Edited by Jaramillo, George S. ; Tomann, Juliane (2021)