The following is a list of the scientific articles resulting from the project. In order not to influence the blind evaluation processes, only an indicative title and the line to which it is related are given for those articles that have not yet been published:


  • VET conceptions of secondary school teachers, families and students (L1 and L2)
  • Influences on decision-making (L1 and L2)
  • VET in schools (L3)
  • The quality of dual VET in companies (L3)
  • Comparative analysis of the quality of VET in schools and in companies (L3)
  • The perspective of educational centers on the quality of dual VET (L4)
  • Personal narratives of success in VET (literature review) (L5)
  • The lifeline and photovoice methodology (L5)
  • Final results of the analysis of personal narratives (L5)

Accepted by a journal

  • VET students’ perception of teaching strategies (L4)


  • Noguera Fructuoso, I., Belando-Montoro, M. R., Torres Sánchez, M., & Pineda-Herrero, P. (2024). Transformación digital y metodológica de la formación profesional en la era pos-COVID . Revista de Investigación Educativa42(2).
  • Noguera I, Barrientos D, Torres-Sánchez M, Pineda-Herrero P. (2024) Exploring Pedagogical and Digital Practices in Vocational Education and Training: Comparing Teacher and Student Perspectives. Education Sciences, 14(7):734.
  • Fernández-Salinero de Miguel, C., Rodríguez-Pérez, S., Carrasco-Temiño, M.A., Fernández-Sequi, H. (2024). Comparison of Dual VET Models in Spain: Analysing Educational Quality from the Perspective of Educational Centres. Education Sciences, 14(7), 779.    


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