Title: HEBE4 (Ref.: PID2020-119939RB-I00)
Team: The team is led by Anna Planas Lladó (IP) and has the collaboration of many professors from different universities, including Pilar Pineda Herrero, Paloma Valdivia i Anna Ciraso Calí, linked to the EFI group. Consult the complete team.
Short description: The HEBE Project is an investigation that focuses on youth empowerment. The line of research began in 2010 with a project focused on the participatory evaluation of community actions as a methodology for personal and community empowerment (Ref: EDU2010-15122). In the 2013 announcement, the research focused on young people and their spaces, moments and processes of empowerment (Ref.: EDU2013-42979-R) and in 2017, the research continued this last project, also identifying the factors enhancers and limiters of youth empowerment (Ref: EDU2017-83249-R). From 2021, the project analyses youth empowerment from the perspective of the community (Ref.: PID2020-119939RB-I00). The pandemic situation experienced recently has highlighted the importance and need of the community to face and overcome extraordinary situations. It is intended to generate knowledge of the youth empowerment processes from the interactions and limitations of community contexts. The tools and resources created in the preceding projects will be used to analyse in depth the communities formed in three specific case studies (Girona, Celrà and Ciutat Vella in Barcelona).
More information on the website
Title: SER FP in Spain: Trajectories of Success and Social Value in Vocational Training (PID2020-112842RB-I00)
Released in: 2024
Team: Pilar Pineda Herrero (UAB), María Remedios Belando Montoro (UCM), Amparo Consuelo Civila Salas (UMA), Sara Rodríguez Pérez (UNIOVI), Ingrid Noguera Fructuoso (UAB), Paloma Valdivia Vizarreta (UAB), Carla Quesada Pallarès (UAB), Carolina Fernández-Salinero (UCM), Mónica Torres Sánchez (UMA), Aranzazu Carrasco Temiño (UCM), Mª José López Martín (UMA), María Naranjo Crespo (UCM), Paloma Fernanda Sepúlveda Parrini (UAB), Héctor Fernández Sequi (UAB), Anna Ciraso Calí (UAB), Marta Virgós Sánchez (UNIOVI), Daniel Barrientos Sánchez (UAB), Alex Caro Casado (UAB).
Short description: The aim of this project is, firstly, to explore the conceptions of VET held by secondary school students, their families and teachers. Secondly, to analyse the quality of on-the-job training as an element that enhances the visibility of the value of VET. Thirdly, to identify the practices implemented in education during the health crisis caused by COVID-19 that contribute to increasing the social value of VET. And finally, fourthly, we plan to study the narratives of the VET students themselves in order to highlight their experiences and perspectives.
More information on the website.
Title: FLED Learining Design for Flexible Education (2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000085250)
Research group: UAB (Spain): Ingrid Noguera (IP), Laura Arnau, Paloma Valdiva, Claudia Paredes, Paloma Sepúlveda. Sofia University (Bulgaria): Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth, Blagovesna Yovkova, Veronica Racheva, Stoyan Saev. UPF (Spain): Davinia _Hernández-Leo, Laia Albó. Universidade Aberta (Portugal): Lina Morgado, Ana Paula Afonso, Maribel Miranda-Pinto, Isabel Cristina Carvalho. Università di Trento (Italy): Helga Ballardini, Anna Serbati, Daniele Agostini, Paola Venuti, Gianluca Esposito, Arianna Bentenuto, Simona de Falco. University of Stavanger (Norway): Kenan Dikilitas.
Short description: The FLeD project aims to facilitate the design of effective flexible learning scenarios for Faculty. We seek to guide in applying the flipped method making the best use of pedagogies and digital technologies to prompt the sustained shift towards flexible education. Our project aims to facilitate the design of flexible learning scenarios for Faculty. The specific objectives are:
- O1. To structure and support the design of inclusive flipped learning scenarios for diverse technology-mediated contexts.
- O2. To promote playful and collaborative synergies between teachers for learning design.
- O3. To guide teachers in decision-making for flexible learning design by developing a digital tool.
- O4. To increase the awareness of flexible learning under the flipped learning method.
We apply agile and design thinking methods for project management and work organisation. First, we generate and test resources to guide inclusive, digital, and flipped learning design. Second, we develop a digital tool for decision-making in flipped learning design. Finally, dissemination activities include publications, events, and virtual training to spread the knowledge developed on flipped learning for effective flexible education to a broad audience.
More information on the website.
Title: Training needs in the Catalonia of the future (2030) and necessary changes to the regulated vocational training system to cover them (FP2030)
Released in: 2021
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero (co-IP), Toni Mora (co-IP), Carla Quesada Pallarès, Anna Ciraso Calí, Angelina Sánchez Martí, Héctor Fernández Sequi, Manuel Fernando Flores Mallo
Short description: This study proposes the analysis of the vocational training needs that must be covered in the Catalonia of the future, how to provide the necessary education and the appropiate training model. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, it is intended to cover three areas of analysis. The first one focuses on knowing the future vocational training needs of the Catalan economy. The second one considers the current situation of vocational training, in order to know the changes required by the vocational training system to meet the future challenges of the Catalan economy. The third and final area analyzes what type of vocational training can best help to meet the challenges of the future, assessing dual vocational training and on-line programs with respect to the traditional school-based, face-to-face training system.
Title: Dual vocational education and training as a company strategy for safeguarding the skilled labour supply
Released in: 2016
Reserch group: Pilar Pineda Herrero, Berta Espona Barcons, Miren Fernández de Álava and Carme Martínez Roca
Short description: This research analyses dual VET as a company strategy for safeguarding the skilled labour supply in Spain in the automotive sector. Case study method is used, with semi-structured and in-depth expert interviews. The same study takes place in 5 UE countries and is founded by the BIBB (German Federal Institute for VET).
Title: EAPC17 – Entrepreneurship as a strategy to improve the talent in Public Administrations
Released in: 2017
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero, Carla Quesada Pallarès, Nick Williams, Miren Fernández de Álava, Berta Espona Barcons, Héctor Sequi, Raminta Beirate, Leanna Hills-Joyce, Esther Brull and Eliseu Oriol
Short description:
The economic crisis has had a negative impact in many areas and groups. Specifically, in the public administration this impact is reflected in: the lack of recruitment processes to be part of it, precarious employment, and the reduction of resources for lifelong learning. This situation requires effective measures to reverse the labour, social and economic effects; therefore, we present a research focused on entrepreneurship as a strategy to improve the talent of employees in public administration; as to improve the current situation it is needed a change of perspective that values entrepreneurship and to take a risk-controlled attitudes oriented to innovation.
This research aims to describe and understand the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in the public administration. For this reason, we use a mixed-complex design; combining quantitative and qualitative approaches throughout the research process. Since it is important to consider other contexts to have a comparative view and learn from best practices, this research considers as areas of study the Public Administration of Catalonia (Spain) and Yorkshire (UK), focusing the population in these two administrations. The impact of the results obtained in this study is directed to involve different stakeholders in the community (local authorities, politicians, academics, human resources department staff, etc.) using the Sandpit, as an innovative methodology for decision processes, in order to prioritize actions to improve and individualize the talent in public administrations.
Access to documents: final report, power point presentation
Title: MEEL – Modelo de Evaluación del eLearning en la Administración Pública
Released in: 2014
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero, Anna Ciraso Calí, Berta Espona Barcons and Carla Quesada Pallarès
Short description:
The steady decline of public investment in training limits the personal and professional development of civil servants, whose willingness to participate in training activities continues to grow. To have greater reach to all public employees with the funds available and to provide a better balance between work and family life, public institutions committed to partially or totally supported platforms formations on line: eLearning. But it is not enough to ensure access to training for all public employees: we must ensure that this training positively impact workers’ performance and therefore, the public organization.
That is why we propose to evaluate -in terms of satisfaction, learning, implementation and transfer- the online training realized in different institutions of the National Institute for Public Administration (INAP). To this aim, specific instruments for these eLearning activities are designed: a set of indicators to determine the use and participation of the courses platforms, and a checklist for courses design. Data for these instruments will be analyzed, along with learning, transfer factors and perceived transfer, with the aim of advancing proposals for improving the effectiveness of eLearning training.
Access to documents: executive report, final report
Title: Evaluación de la Eficacia de la Formación para la Innovación: Análisis de Casos de Éxito
Released in: 2013
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero (dir.), Anna Ciraso Calí, Maria del Mar Duran Bellonch, Berta Espona Barcons, Natalia García Castaño, Alba Castejón Company, Àngela Janer Hidalgo, Carla Quesada Pallarès and Carlos Silva Ríos. Supported by: Eduardo Cascallar, Mariel Musso and Xavier Úcar Martínez
Short description:
For organizations, to be innovative can make the difference between being active in the market or disappear removed by fierce competition. Innovation-oriented training activities can be a tool available to companies to aquire professional skills based on the new emerging needs, result of the current economic and financial context. Because of its importance, and due to the high investment training requires for any organization, models of evaluation of training effectiveness are needed, understanding that a training is effective if workers apply the knowledge acquired in their work places, producing an impact on the organization. This study describes the situation of training for innovation in Spain, it analyzes its characteristics, and evaluates its effectiveness compared with training that is not focused on innovation. Results allow to establish the defining criteria of an innovative training action, understood as a training that promotes innovation in the organization, and its main features. The study also provides a validated tool to evaluate the effectiveness of training: a model to detect those factors that influence transfer of learning in the workplace, and identify areas for improvement. Comparative data on training for innovation and not innovation-oriented training activities are also available. And finally, some proposals for improvements are presented, to ensure more effective training.
Title: Evaluación de la Iniciativa de Formación de Demanda. Ejercicio 2007 y 2008
Released in: 2011
Research group: Pilar Pineda (dir.), Jorge Calero, Carolina Fernández-Salinero, Mauro Mediavilla, Victoria Moreno, Carla Quesada, Xavier Úcar y Karla Villaseñor. Con la colaboración de: Verónica Lozano, Berta Espona and Elwood F. Holton III.
Short description:
The existence of a system of financial support to training, as on-demand training, makes lifelong learning a reality for all workers, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the workforce and the economy of our country. The Training Agreement for Employment between government, employers’ organization and trade unions in 2006, and the subsequent publication of Royal Decree 395/2007, have enabled many workers to receive training to improve their professional practice, their productive contribution to organizations and employability. The evaluation of the initiatives covered by the decree and, in particular, on-demand training, is necessary both to demonstrate the results of the public investment in training, and to introduce improvements to increase the effectiveness of the system in the future. In this study the evaluation results of on-demand training in Spain are presented, referring to 2007 and 2008.
Title: Les dones en els programes de formació contínua: anàlisi sobre els factors que determinen la participació de les dones en formació
Released in: 2011
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero (dir.), Carla Quesada Pallarès, Alexandra Stoian and Maria del Mar Duran Bellonch
Short description:
In recent years women have actively entered the labor market and their participation in it is growing. But this participation has not been accompanied by an improvement in the quality of workplaces. Indeed, life long learning is one of the best strategies for working professionals to enhance their knowledge, skills and attitudes for the development of their careers and to become more competent. Some data indicate that there are elements or factors that influence the degree of participation of women in continuous training and, therefore, have an impact on their professional development. Based on this situation this study aims to describe the level of differential participation of women and men in training programs and analyze the factors that favor and hinder their participation. Finally, some strategies are proposed to improve the participation of women in training programs as a way to optimize their employment opportunities.
Title: Avaluació de la Formació Professional a Catalunya (Línies 1 i 2)
Released in: 2009
Research group: Pilar Pineda Herrero (dir.), Mª Jesús Martínez Usarralde, Rafael Merino Pareja, Ramon Plandiura Vilacís, Eduardo Rojo Torrecilla, Cristina Suárez Gost and Andreu Termes López.
Short description:
In any democratic country, equity, quality and efficiency are the backbones of educational policy. The education system should promote these axes and the education authority has a responsibility to show citizens the extent to which the education achieved, thus contributing to the development and cohesion of society. Evaluation is the central tool for determining whether the education system is efficient, equitable, and its quality. With the Evaluation Plan of Vocational Training in Catalonia (RPF), led by the Superior Council for the Evaluation of Educational System, the Catalan education administration started a process of systematic evaluation of VET, in order to assess the outcomes of the different regulatory changes experienced by the VET system and its response to the current needs of society, identifying improvements with a national and European perspective. This research analyzes the policy context of the RPF and reports a comparative analysis of RPF systems in Catalonia, the most outstanding regions in Spain and certain OECD countries. Also, it focuses on assessing the adequacy of the RPF policy to the qualification needs and opportunities in Catalunya, in Spain and in Europe. The evaluation period runs from 2001-2002 to 2006-2007 academic year, although the study also analyzed those guidelines, standards, initiatives and experiences after 2007, that are significant for understanding the evolution of the evaluated period and to interpret better the situation of the RPF at the time. The multidisciplinary team uses three perspectives of analysis: narrative and documentary research, quantitative data analysis, analysis of qualitative fieldwork and comparative perspective. The study concludes with a list of conclusions that aim to assess the situation of VET in Catalonia and proposals that can improve the level of VET system in the near future.
Title: Evaluación de la Calidad de la Formación Continua en el sector de la Educación Infantil
Released in: 2006
Research group: Pilar Pineda, Xavier Úcar, Mª Victoria Moreno, Esther Belvis, Isabel Álvarez, Vilma Garrido, Enric Vilaplana, Ferran Ferrer, Anna Forés and Sònia Roig
Short description:
Good early education is the foundation for further development of people, both personally and professionally; a good childhood education requires well-trained professionals, and life long learning has a decisive role. This study assesses the status of training in the field of early childhood education in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses, and to address proposals to optimize it. The evaluation is done at two levels: its describes the degree of implementation of training in the sector, by understaing the culture, motivation and initiatives towards training by the professionals and early childhood centers; and it evaluates the results of training, in terms of satisfaction, learning, pedagogic quality and transfer. The research also includes an analysis of training evaluation practices. The study has a statewide approach, so the situation of teacher training in early childhood education in the Spanish territory is analyzed. But special attention is paid to those regions that stand out from the set, either by the innovative nature of their training practices in early childhood education or the particularities of educational administration that manages the training offer.