Meeting of the DANL Research Program, “Dynamics of Actors and Networks Across Levels” (6th-8th April 2010)

Date:  27 Mayo, 2010 Abstract:  Meeting of the DANL Research Program, “Dynamics of Actors and Networks Across Levels” (6th-8th April 2010) Preface We now have various activities going on that are the basis for this meeting: The DANL project as such, which now has ended in most of the participating groups;  the book project “Social […]

Conferència “El paper dels barris en les xarxes socials a Catalunya. Una aproximació”

Date:  25 Mayo, 2010 Abstract:  José Luis Molina (UAB) relexiona sobre el paper dels barris en les xarxes socials de la població que viu i treballa a Catalunya, amb especial atenció a la distribució geográfica dels contactes actius dels immigrants. Les ades formen part del projecte finançat pel MICINN (CSO2008-01470/SOCI), Estudio comparado de casos sobre […]

Projectes finalitzats – proyectos finalizados – finished projects

Projectes finalitzats – proyectos finalizados – finished projects Personal network dynamics in Europe. The European Project “SEJ2005-25683-E 05_ECRP_FP026 – Dynamics of actors and networks across levels: individuals, groups, organizations and social settings” funded by the European Science Foundation and the MEC is intended to asses the changes in personal network structure and composition and their […]