Álvarez Yolanda (2022). Improving skills by playing: Trabajar las habilidades mediante actividades lúdicas. Castelló: Sar Alejadría Ediciones.
Dooly, Melinda, Masats, Dolors & Mont, Maria (2021). Launching a solidarity campaign: Technology-enhanced project-based language learning to promote entrepreneurial education and social awareness. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 11 (2): 260-269. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.3926/jotse.1224
A+ Project (2020). StandAPP and Speak up: the game is about to start. APAC ELT Journal, 92, 20-32.

Álvarez Yolanda et al. (2020). Aprendizaje por proyectos (infantil, primaria, secundaria): Cuaderno Colaborativo. Instagram: @teaching_everyday / @aprenen.compartint.
Authors: @inteletandoenmiaula, @celiasanchopsicopedagoga, @neuroeducandoenmiaula, @profe_xita, @p.l.a.y.t.o.l.e.a.r.n, @profesarauja, @teacher_xolain, @teachertechi, @elmestrelliureitropical, @creart_teacher, @teacher.mister.alonso,@loqueguardoenmisbolsillos, @innovantjuntes, @seño_cristi, @dianamena04, @miss_shwa, @mami.mum8.
Do you want to dowload it for free? Just follow @teacher_xolain on Instagram and she will give you the link.

Álvarez, Yolanda et al. (2020). English Book. Instagram: @teacherstudio.
Authors: @glowlearn;@teacher_mariheca;@teacher_helen28;@teacherontheway; @miss.teacher.ana;@teachersinfluencers;@english.teacher.miss.mireia;@english_teacher_in_loading; @profebelenaprendermola; @teacher.on.board; @teacher.be; @my_kumucorner; @eteachermarta; @ateacherinclass; @teacher_xolain.
English book is addressed to primary English teachers, English book II is addressed to Early Years teachers. Do you want to dowload them for free? Just follow @teacher_xolain on Instagram and she will give you the links.

Álvarez, Yolanda et al. (2020). English Book II. Instagram: @teacherstudio.
Authors: @glowlearn;@teacher_mariheca;@teacher_helen28;@teacherontheway; @miss.teacher.ana;@teachersinfluencers;@english.teacher.miss.mireia;@english_teacher_in_loading; @profebelenaprendermola; @teacher.on.board; @teacher.be; @my_kumucorner; @eteachermarta; @ateacherinclass; @teacher_xolain.

Álvarez, Yolanda (2019). The benefits of hosting an intern teacher. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 123-127). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Barriuso, Carol (2019). Bringing real-life English into your classroom. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 99-108). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Casas Rio, Teresa (2019). Tangram animals: Creating a game as a vehicle for learning. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 167-176). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Cortada, Josep & Masats, Dolors (2019). Introduction: Inspiring classroom projects. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 153-156). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130

Dooly, Melinda & Masats, Dolors (2019). ‘What do you zinc about the project?’: Examples of technology-enhanced project-based language learning. In Gulbahar Beckett & Tammy Slater (Eds.), Global perspectives on project-based language learning, teaching, and assessment: Key approaches, technology tools, and frameworks (pp. 126–145). NY/Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge.
Gomáriz, Maribel (2019). Co-teaching. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 67-75). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Huguet, Mariona & Obiols, Aina (2019). How do plants survive? Observing a carnivorous plant. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 157-166). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Masats, Dolors; Mont, Maria & Barba, Javier (2019). Hands on! Introducing EdTech in the seminars for tutoring pre-service teachers. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 37-45). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Mont, Maria & Gonzalez-Acevedo, Nathaly (2019). Coding toys while learning English: Programming with very young learners. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 59-65). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Núñez Morera, Xavier (2019). A recipe for becoming a supportive teacher. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 109-115). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Obiols, Aina (2019). Taking a trip down memory lane. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 129-135). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Orihuela, Antonio & Masats, Dolors (2019) Introduction: Innovative approaches and pioneering resources for the foreign language classroom. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 55-57). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Piccola, Íngrid & Quintanilla, Judith (2019). The country of the year. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 177-184). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Serramià, Esther (2019). Classroom management. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 89-98). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Serramià, Esther & Barriuso, Carol (2019). Flipped classrooms. In Dolors Masats, Maria Mont & Nathaly Gonzalez-Acevedo (Eds.), Joint efforts for innovation: Working together to improve foreign language teaching in the 21st century (pp. 77-87). Rothersthorpe: Paragon Publishing. Paragon Publishing. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3064130
Àlvarez, Àngels; Costa, Daniel; Cuello, Alícia; García, Rosa; Muñoz, Alejandra; Roca, Conxita & Rodríguez, Cristina (2018). De l’aula a la comunitat: Educant des d’una perspectiva emocional. Perspectiva Escolar, 399.

Mont, Maria & Masats, Dolors (2018). Tips and suggestions to implement telecollaborative projects with young learners. In Melinda Dooly & Robert O’Dowd (Eds.), In this together: Teachers’ experiences with transnational telecollaborative language learning projects (pp.92-122). New York/Bern: Peter Lang.