Álvarez Yolanda et al. (2020). Aprendizaje por proyectos (infantil, primaria, secundaria): Cuaderno Colaborativo. Instagram: @teaching_everyday / @aprenen.compartint. Authors: @inteletandoenmiaula, @celiasanchopsicopedagoga, @profe_xita, @neuroeducandoenmiaula, @p.l.a.y.t.o.l.e.a.r.n, @profesarauja, @teacher_xolain, @teachertechi, @creart_teacher, @elmestrelliureitropical, @teacher.mister.alonso, @innovantjuntes, @loqueguardoenmisbolsillos, @seño_cristi, @dianamena04, @miss_shwa, @mami.mum8. Do you want to dowload it for free? Just follow @teacher_xolain on Instagram and she will give you the link. A+ […]
A+Project member Yolanda Alvárez and a group of other inspired/inspiring teachers have just published a resourcebook for very young learners of English. It’s downloadable for free. The only thing you need to do is follow Yolanda on Instagram (@teacher_xolain & @teacherstudio) and the instructions she posted there to get access to the book.
A+Project member Yolanda Alvárez and a group of other inspired/inspiring teachers have just published a resourcebook for primary learners of English through science, arts, mathematics. It’s downloadable for free. The only thing you need to do is follow Yolanda on Instagram (@teacher_xolain & @teacherstudio) and the instructions she posted there to get access […]