E-mail address: Jordi.Coral@uab.cat
Department & University: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Germanística
Brief summary of research interests:
I received my PhD from the University of York (UK), where I wrote a thesis on Shakespearean tragedy as an AHRC (British Academy) doctoral student. My principal research interests are in early modern literature, particularly the area of Elizabethan-Jacobean drama, including Shakespeare. My work focusses on the intersections between literature and economics, religion and philosophy. I have published articles on English Renaissance classicism and intertextuality; revenge, trauma, and the construction of identity; and war, rhetoric and nationhood. I’m currently exploring the impact of emergent marketplace societies and cultures of consumerism on sixteenth-century notions of value and worth as well as the literary representation of material, symbolic and aesthetic transactions as strikingly analogous operations.
Selected publications:
- “The Bountiful Mines of the Indies: Gold and the Economy of the Global Ocean in Shakespeare’s Plays.” English Studies. (Forthcoming but published online as “Latest” since 9 Sept. 2022).
- “Maiden Walls That War Hath Never Entered”: Rape and Post-Chivalric Military Culture in Shakespeare’s Henry V”, College Literature: A Journal of Critical Literary Studies 44.3 (2017): 404-35.
- “Anxious Householders: Theft and Anti-usury Discourse in Shakespeare’s Venetian Plays, The Seventeenth Century 30.3 (2015): 285-300.
- “Vengeance is Yours: Reclaiming the Social Bond in The Spanish Tragedy and Titus Andronicus”, Atlantis 29.2 (2007): 59-74.
Personal Website: https://portalrecerca.csuc.cat/orcid/0000-0002-6574-889