E-mail address: MariaCristina.Pividori@uab.cat
Department & University: English and German Studies, UAB
Brief summary of research interests: My main research interest is war representation, particularly the aesthetic and ethical challenges inherent in the rendering of the major conflicts of recent times.
Selected publications:
- 2023 Pividori, Cristina and David Owen (editors) Beyond Post-memory: (Re)Writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Routledge (Forthcoming)
- 2023 Pividori, Cristina. “Before the outbreak of what used to be known as the Great War:” ‘Ironic’ Nostalgia in Isabel Colegate’s The Shooting Party (1980) in Pividori, Cristina and David Owen (editors) Beyond Post-memory: (Re)Writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Routledge (Forthcoming)
- 2023 Pividori, Cristina. “Make America Great Again”: (De)Colonising Masculinities in Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Refugees (2017). Amsterdam University Press (Conference Proceedings). ISBN: 9789048562220 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5117/978904856222/AHM.2023.005
- 2022 Pividori, Cristina, and Andrea Bellot. “Crossing Representational Borders in Lola Arias’ Minefield/Campo Minado” Text and Performance Quarterly. 42.3: 1-26.
Personal Website: https://cristinapividori.com/