G4RoC has the following research aims:

  • To analyse contemporary British, American and German authors who belong to “postmemory” generations, aiming to uncover the motivations and methodologies behind their choice to revisit and reinterpret past conflicts in literature and culture.
  • To develop and define a novel literary/cultural subgenre, “war after-narratives” dedicated to highlighting and exploring the nuances in how postmemory generations perceive and portray historical conflicts, emphasizing the synergies and variances in their narrative interpretations.
  • To investigate the relationship between “war after-narratives” and traditional war narratives by examining how contemporary works integrate with, diverge from, or transform established war narratives through innovative memory reconstruction and aesthetic reimagining.
  • To evaluate the extent to which the postmemory perspective inherent in “war after-narratives” influences and possibly alleviates the anxiety associated with representing historical conflicts, challenging the traditional boundaries of war representation.
  • To investigate the potential of “war after-narratives” as a literary medium to foster a deeper understanding and dialogue around past conflicts, thereby contributing to peace-building efforts and reconciliation processes.