E-mail address: Sara.Martin@uab.cat
Department & University: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Brief summary of research interests: I specialise in Gender Studies, particularly Masculinities Studies, which I appliy to the study of popular fictions in English, with an emphasis on science fiction.
Selected publications:
- Masculinity and Patriarchal Villainy in British Fiction: From Hitler to Voldemort (Routledge, 2020)
- Representations of Masculinity in Literature and Film: Focus on Men (CSP, 2020)
- American Masculinities in Contemporary Documentary Film: Up Close behind the Mask (Routledge, 2023)
- Detoxing Masculinity in Anglophone Literature and Culture: In Search of Good Men (Palgrave, 2023, co-edited with M. Isabel Santaulària).
I am also the translator into English of Manuel de Pedrolo’s Mecanoscrit del segon origen (Typescript of the Second Origin, Wesleyan UP, 2018).
Personal Website: https://webs.uab.cat/saramartinalegre/