Lecture on asymptotic geometric analysis

Seminar author:Cécilia Lancien

Event date and time:02/24/2016 02:30:pm

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This lecture will revolve round some applications of asymptotic geometric analysis (fancy name, but don’t worry it’s not so terrible as it sounds!) in quantum information theory. Depending on the preferences of the audience, the main focus of the lecture could be on one of the following topics:

– How to estimate the size of high dimensional convex bodies, and how this applies to showing that, on large multipartite quantum systems, the set of PPT states is a very rough approximation of the set of separable states. (mostly following  arXiv:quant-ph/0503221)
– How the concentration of measure phenomenon (used in a quite sophisticated way) provides counter-examples to the additivity of minimum output entropy conjecture. (mostly following  arXiv:1003.4925)