Measurement-device-independent randomness source based on mode-competition in a gain-switched VCSEL
Tomás Fernández Martos | ICFO
02/20/2025 02:30:pm Seminar Room, GIQ -
Quantum process tomography at high energies
Michał Eckstein | Jagiellonian University
02/12/2025 03:00:pm Seminar Room, GIQ -
Quantum position verification: loss and entanglement
Llorenç Escolà-Farràs | QuSoft, University of Amsterdam
01/23/2025 02:30:pm Seminar Room, GIQ -
Operational Framework for Quantum Work and Heat
Adam Teixidó Bonfill | University of Waterloo, Institute for Quantum Computing, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
12/13/2024 02:30:pm Seminar Room, GIQ -
Information-Theoretical Measures of Secure Information for Quantum Protocols in Space Applications
Angeles Vázquez-Castro | Dpt. Telecom and Systems Engineering (UAB) and Centre of Space Research (UAB-IEEC)
12/05/2024 02:30:pm Seminar Room, GIQ -
Nonlocal Energy Locking: Thermodynamic Signatures of Quantum Correlations
Mir Alimuddin | ICFO
11/28/2024 02:30:pm Seminar Room, GIQ -
Harnessing Spatial Symmetries: From Probing Quantum Correlations to Theory-Independent Randomness Generation
Albert Aloy | IQOQI Vienna
11/21/2024 02:30:pm Seminar Room, GIQ -
Optimal discrimination of quantum sequences
Tathagata Gupta | Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata
10/03/2024 02:30:pm -
A quantum processing architecture based on locally controlled logical systems (double seminar, see previous)
Ferran Riera Sabat | University of Innsbruck
07/18/2024 04:00:pm -
All pure multipartite entangled states of qubits can be self-tested up to complex conjugation (double seminar, see next)
María Balanzó Juandó | ICFO
07/18/2024 04:00:pm