GICQFO Meeting: Nonclassical teleportation beyond average fidelity

Seminar author:Daniel Cavalcanti

Event date and time:10/18/2016 11:00:am

Event location:GIQ Seminar room

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Quantum teleportation is one the cornerstones of quantum information science, serving as a primitive in several quantum information tasks. It has become a testbed for quantum information platforms, having been demonstrated with a variety of physical systems. The benchmark for quantum teleportation is the average fidelity between the input and output states of the process. According to this figure-of-merit not all entangled states can lead to the demonstration of quantum teleportation. In this talk I will we discuss a method to certify non-classical teleportation using the full information available in a teleportation experiment and show that all entangled states are useful for this task. Furthermore this certification can be done reliably with incomplete Bell state measurements or with inefficient detectors. I will also discuss the connection of non-classical teleportation to the new fundamental topics of quantum steering and Bell inequalities with quantum inputs.