GIQ is located in the Campus of the Universitat Autònoma Barcelona (UAB) in Bellaterra. Bellaterra is a town outside the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, but it can be reached very easily from downtown Barcelona or from the Airport by public transportation. See additional information and maps from the University web. The most convenient way to reach UAB from Barcelona is by train, either FGC (to “Universitat Autònoma”, lines S2 and S6) or RENFE (to “Cerdanyola Universitat”, line R7).
These are the GPS coordinates of GIQ: Latitude: 41.501113 | Longitude: 2.109266 and its (indoor) google.maps link.
GIQ is located at C5 module (even offices) second floor (follow signs to Física Teòrica: Informació i Fenòmens Quàntics)