A quantum processing architecture based on locally controlled logical systems (double seminar, see previous)

Seminar author:Ferran Riera Sabat

Event date and time:07/18/2024 04:00:pm

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We consider quantum computer architectures based on logically encoded systems consisting of multiple matter-qubits that interact via some always-on, long-ranged coupling, and utilize solely single qubit control. We show that one can remotely mediate entanglement between different subsystems without any quantum control using one logical system. Using multiple logical systems allows one to selectively mediate interactions between systems, and obtain a programmable quantum simulator or processor. Furthermore, the encoding can serve to make the effective interaction between logical systems resilient against position fluctuations of the components, thereby providing a novel way to deal with imperfections, e.g. in cooling or heating of systems due to moving atoms or ions around. We demonstrate a significant improvement of achievable gate fidelities in several scenarios, including collective and individual position fluctuations, and classical and quantum treatment thereof. We show how to use such a setup to obtain a modular computational architecture that utilizes multipartite entanglement generated between modules to implement sets of gates or non-local parts of whole circuits between modules.