2025-03-05 11:56
The Quantum Information Group (GIQ) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) is offering two PhD positions within the ATRAE Project: Taming Dissipation in Open Quantum Systems: Applications in Information Processing, led by Martí Perarnau-Llobet. The project lies at the interface of quantum stochastic thermodynamics, open quantum systems, and quantum information.
Several research directions will be explored:
- Optimal thermodynamic control of many-body systems: Exploiting collective phenomena to reduce dissipation and enhance energy efficiency of driven open systems (see, e.g., arXiv:2306.16534).
- Thermodynamic computing: Developing new physics-based models of computation and neural networks based on open systems, and characterizing their energetics (see, e.g., arXiv:2308.15905).
- Quantum sensing in open systems: Designing optimal many-body sensors for estimating weak magnetic fields, free energy and temperature.
PhD students will work on at least one of these topics.
Research Environment
The PhD researchers will join GIQ at UAB (https://webs.uab.cat/giq/), located on the UAB campus. GIQ is a highly interactive and collaborative group in quantum information science, whose interests range from theoretical aspects of quantum metrology to applications of quantum information theory in condensed matter systems. Students will participate in the group’s scientific activities, have opportunities to attend international conferences and schools, and conduct research visits.
Position Details
- Duration: 4 years
- Start date: Expected by September 2025
- Application deadline: We strongly encourage applications by April 30th, though applications will be considered until the positions are filled.
How to Apply
If interested, please send an email to marti.perarnau@uab.cat with:
- A brief motivation letter
- Academic transcripts
- A curriculum vitae
- Contact details of two referees for recommendation letters
Informal inquiries about the project and positions are welcome at marti.perarnau@uab.cat.