
John Calsamiglia Costa

head of the unit

+34 93 581 1509

ICREA Academia Professor.

Physics degree from the Univesitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). PhD from the Helsinki Institute of Physics. Postdocs positions at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CFA) and UCONN, LMU München, and Universität Innsbruck. 

Completed the snow path and returned to UAB with a Ramón y Cajal fellowship, where I’m a professor with tenure since 2010.  

My main research interest is quantum information theory, in particular the areas of quantum statistical inference, non-classicality (resource theories), quantum learning and quantum complex networks. 

Away from the quantum world, in my academic intermezzos, I enjoy cooking (and eating), music (moslty listenging), fixing gadgets, making furniture and playing ultimate frisbee.