2013-10-16 01:02
The group of Quantum Information and Quantum processes at the University Autònoma of Barcelona (http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/giq/people) offers a 3 years Ph.D position starting in 2014 on the subject of Quantum Thermometry. The position is affiliated to the European Founded Strep Project TherMiQ (Thermodynamics of Mesoscopic Quantum Systems). The topic of research will be Quantum Thermometry in strongly correlated systems under the supervision of Profs. Anna Sanpera /John Calsamiglia.
The group of Quantum Information and Quantum Phenomena is one of the 7 groups conforming the Physics Department at theUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona (http://www.uab.es/departament/fisica ) and one of the largest in Spain. Other faculty members in the Quantum Information Theory group include Emili Bagan, Ramon Muñoz-Tapia, and Andreas Winter.
Applications should include a full CV with the academic track record, a summary of research interests of the candidate and the names and contact addresses of two potential referees. Applications should be emailed to sanpera@ifae.es with the subject name being the candidate’s name + Ph.D position.
Please note that the university’s doctorate regulations require that PhD candidates possess a master or equivalent degree. Ph.D brutto salary is approx 1400 €/month.
Notifications will be given before middle November 2013.