Achievable Rates in Cognitive Quantum Interference Channel

Seminar author:Zahra Baghali Khanian

Event date and time:04/20/2016 02:30:pm

Event location:GIQ seminar room

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In the classical setting, cognitive radio channel is defined as an interference channel in which some senders obtain the encoded messages of the other senders and plan to transmit. We define a generalization of classical cognitive radio channel as a quantum interference channel with two classical inputs and two quantum outputs in which Sender 2 (cognitive sender) obtains the encoded message of Sender 1 in a non-casual manner. We develop an achievable rate region with combining Gel’fand-Pinsker and Chong-Motani-Garg encoding schemes and using simultaneous joint-typicality decoding strategy. The cognitive sender exploits the available side information to reduce the interference in both receivers. The senders split their rates to common and private messages and each receiver decodes its corresponding sender’s messages as well as the other sender’s common message. However, we exploit simultaneous nonunique decoding, i.e. although each receiver aims to decode the common message of the other sender, he only cares to decode correctly his respective sender’s messages.