Beyond-classical quantum computing

Seminar author:Sergio Boixo

Event date and time:04/29/2021 04:00:pm

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I’ll review what is the current state of quantum computing with superconducting qubits.​ ​I’ll explain several experiments from Google’s Quantum AI group, including an article published in Nature in 2019 in which we carried out a computational task on an experimental quantum processor vastly outperforming current supercomputers. I will conclude with various projections on the expected advances in quantum computing in the next ten years.

​Speaker bio: Sergio Boixo leads the Quantum Computer Science group at Google Quantum AI. He was previously a research professor and quantum engineer at USC, and a postdoc at Harvard and Caltech. Sergio has a doctorate in physics from UNM, a master’s degree in physics from UAB, is a computer engineer from UCM, and studied mathematics and philosophy at UNED. In a past life, Sergio worked as a computer engineer at the European Central Bank and other companies.