Central Spin Cooling

Seminar author:Marcelo Janovich

Event date and time:06/20/2024 04:00:pm

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Cooling is a crucial task to most quantum technologies. For instance, in a semiconducting quantum dot, the coherence time in the electron spin is heavily influenced by the nuclei in the range of the electron’s wave function; this sea of nuclei can be regarded as a finite size bath, which randomizes the electron spin. The central electron spin can be used as a knob to cool the nuclei bath, sustaining higher coherence times. Motivated by recent experimental advances in cooling such finite reservoirs, we employ the microcanonical master equation formalism to show how this central spin system can be used to manipulate the nuclei energy statistics and, in particular, cool the nuclei. The theory identifies this central spin system as a rich and realistics model to explore quantum thermodynamics beyond the standard assumptions of Born-Markov master equations, such as non-Markovianity and system-bath correlations.