Challenges in experimental certification in high dimensional entanglement

Seminar author:Marcus Huber

Event date and time:09/13/2016 02:30:pm

Event location:GIQ Seminar room

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In this seminar I would like to present and discuss recent progress on the certification of high-dimensional entanglement. High dimensional entanglement promises to improve quantum communication protocols in numerous ways, but poses a number of challenges in its use. I will shortly present a couple of new techniques to quantify entanglement with only  limited access to measurements, and present various open problems in this context. The talk is based on past and upcoming experiments in this field [1,2], as well as a recent proposal [3]:

[1] A. Tiranov et. al., “Temporal multimode storage of entangled photon pairs “, arXiv:1606.07774 
[2] A. Tiranov et. al., “Quantifi cation of multi-dimensional photonic entanglement stored in a quantum memory based on sparse data”, tbp
[3] P. Erker, M. Krenn, M. Huber, “Quantifying high dimensional entanglement with cameras and lenses”, arXiv:1512.05315