Converting quantum resources: the cases of coherence, discord, and entanglement
Seminar author:Gerardo Adesso
Event date and time:11/03/2015 02:30:pm
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Coherence, discord-type correlations, and entanglement are all fundamental manifestations of quantum theory and are all useful resources for certain quantum technological tasks. In this talk I show how these different signatures of quantumness can be converted into each other and interpreted under a common framework. I first review the rigorous mapping between discord-type measures and entanglement measures by means of premeasurement interactions, recently implemented experimentally. I then focus on the interplay between each of these two forms of quantum correlations and quantum coherence in single and composite systems. On the one hand, discord-type correlations are interpreted as minimum coherence in all local bases. On the other hand, an exact convertibility result between coherence and entanglement is established within their respective resource theories. Overall this presentation gives an overview of the various shades of quantumness in mixed states of composite systems and their general interrelations.