Course on “Some Elementary Remarks concerning Quantum versus Classical Statistical Physics”

Seminar author:Jean Zinn-Justin

Event date and time:09/19/2016 10:00:am

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Dr. Zinn-Justin attended École Polytechnique for his undergraduate degree, graduating in 1964. He continued his research under Marcel Froissart at the University of Orsay, earning a Ph.D. in 1968. While Zinn-Justin has had a permanent position with the CEA-Saclay theory group, he has also held visiting positions as SUNY Stony-Brook, CERN, Princeton, Harvard, and MIT. 

Zinn-Justin is a recipient of the Gentner-Kastler prize and the Humboldt-Gay Lussac award. He has been the head editor of publications including Journal de Physique, and the Institute of Physics Journal of Physics A, along with membership on the editorial boards of other journals. He has directed the Les Houches summer school, the Theoretical Institute and subsequently the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (formerly, Dapnia), both in Saclay. 

Zinn-Justin’s research in quantum physics looks principally at quantum field theory and the renormalization group, especially at how they apply to particle physics and the statistical physics of phase transitions. In collaboration with B.W. Lee he presented the first proof of the renormalizability of gauge theories in the symmetry broken phase with respect to weak interactions.



Lecture Notes