Landauer’s principle with finite resources

Seminar author:Martí Perarnau-Llobet

Event date and time:10/18/2022 03:00:pm

Event location:GIQ seminar room

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Landauer’s principle states that a minimum amount of dissipation is required to erase one bit of information. Reaching this bound in practice requires infinite resources (either infinite time or infinite energy), a fact that is intimately connected to the second and third laws of thermodynamics. In the presence of finite resources, it becomes a challenging problem to identify optimal erasure processes that minimize the generation of dissipation. In this talk, I will present progress in this question based on a geometric approach to finite-time thermodynamics [1]. In particular, I will focus on three different but interconnected directions: 

– The minimisation of dissipation in driven open quantum systems [2], including a recent implementation of Landauer erasure on a driven electron level in a semiconductor quantum dot [3]. 

– The minimisation of dissipation in strongly coupled systems, and in particular I will present a finite-time version of Landauer’s principle for a quantum dot strongly coupled to a fermionic bath [4].

– The minimisation of dissipation in finite quantum systems with a high level of control (i.e. allowing arbitrary unitary operations), where I will discuss finite-size corrections to Landauer’s principle [5]. 


[1] Abiuso, Miller, M. P.-L., Scandi Entropy 22 (10), 1076 (2020).

[2] Scandi, M. P.-L., Quantum 3, 197 (2019). 

[3]  Scandi, Barker, Lehmann, Dick, Maisi, M. P.-L., arXiv:2209.01852 (2022). 

[4] Rolandi, M. P.-L., in preparation.

[5] Lipka-Bartosik, M. P.-L., in preparation.